Quantum Physics
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What is quantum physics? Put simply, it’s the physics that explains how everything works: the best description we have of the nature of the particles that make up matter and the forces with which they interact. Quantum physics underlies how atoms work, and so why chemistry and biology work as they do
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Niels Bohr said, "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it." What makes quantum theory shocking?
Quantum mechanics is shocking because it descibes a world which is completely different from our daily epxerience and expectations.
We are used to “objects” with a clearly defined position, we are used to matter being “impenetrable”…..
Quantum physics throws all of that out of the window so that our “human scale” intuition is totally thrown out of balance.
You have “things” which are at the same time material and immaterial (to avoid the confusion of calling them wave/particles some physicists like cohen-tannoudji called them quantons)
You have “objects” that can “magically” find themselves on the other side of impenetrable barriers.
You are in world where widely spearate objects remain somehow connected instantaneously (Quantum entanglement)
If that does not surprise you then indeed something is odd!
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Niels Bohr said, "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it." What makes quantum theory shocking?
Is there a universal moment of "now" in spacetime?
How do you determine the mass of a black hole singularity? Wouldn't any amount of mass amount to infinite density "within" a zero volume singularity.
We do not determine the mass of a black hole singularity. A singularity is not a thing: it is a location where a particular function (in this case, the curvature tensor of general relativity) has no well-defined value. The singularity of a Schwarzschild black hole is hidden from us by the black hole
Does Quantum Physics explain Dark Matter? What makes Dark Matter? Can we quantify it?
Dark Matter is matter which we can’t see, but we know there must be a lot of it in space, because we can see how it’s gravity effects the movement of stars. Just like if the earth was invisible we would still know it was there, because of its gravity. We can quantify the mass of dark matter by lookin
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Why is time absolute in quantum mechanics?
In the more general version of quantum mechanics known as “quantum field theory,” time is relative rather than absolute. Time is absolute only in non-relativistic quantum physics, commonly known as “quantum mechanics.”
What is said by the term “observe”? How can conciousness interact with a particle? Does it have to do anything with time (because including time makes the quantum entaglement look simpler)?
When a quantum physicist uses the word ‘observe’, he always means that the experiment makes some change in a big macroscopic object. This object could be a camera, a human eye or a single bit of data stored in a computer. It has nothing directly to do with consciousness, except humans have both cons
How could Einstein digest Relativity but not Quantum Physics when both seem weird to general public?
Einstein’s main objection in his paper with Poldolsky and Rosen was basically that QM was too weird to be true: What he didn’t like was that unlike in classical theories, the description of the whole was not simply the sum of the description of the parts. (For example, classically one understands ho
Is everything around, above, under, or behind you just in front of you if we look into the time dimension?
What is stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP), and why is it considered a quantum process?