The Quantum Blindspot

in quantum •  2 years ago  (edited)

What is the Quantum Blindspot?

To understand the Quantum Blindspot you must first understand three things.

First watch this or continue below for a brief description:


Nikola Tesla once said, "If you only understood the magnificence of 3,6,9, you would have the key to the universe."
You see he discovered a pattern in numbers when you double them:
1+1 = 2
2+2 = 4
4+4 = 8
8+8 = 16 but when you reduce 16 to a single digit by finding the digital root 1+6 = 7
16 + 16 = 32 = 3+2 = 5
32 + 32 = 64 = 6+4 = 10 = 1
64 + 64 = 128 = 1+2+8 = 11 = 2

This pattern 1,2,4,8,7,5 repeats infinitely as you double the numbers, but mysteriously the numbers 3,6 and 9 are missing from this pattern. This is because the numbers 1,2,4,8,7,5 represent this physical 3D reality and the numbers 3,6,9 represent a higher dimensional reality. What happens when you double the numbers 3,6,9?

3+3 = 6
6+6 = 12 = 3
12+12 = 24 = 6
24+24 = 48 = 12 = 3
And so on... The numbers 3 and 6 alternate between each other as they double. But what about 9?

9+9 = 18 = 9
18+18 = 36 = 9
36+36 = 72 = 9
And so on. The number nine always equals itself as it doubles.

In spiritual terms 9 represents God, the controller number, complete in and of itself.
3 represents Christ and the Trinity, completely open to receive from 9
And 6 represents humanity, reaching for 9 from its own power but never able to fully connect without the help of 3

The second thing you need to understand is a thing in quantum physics we call superposition.

Superposition describes how particle such as electrons seem to have dual quantum states until they are observed and resolve into a single state.

An electron has both a spin up and a spin down until it is observed and it resolves into one or the other.

The Schrödinger’s Cat thought experiment demonstrates this.


You put a cat in a box with a radioactive isotope and a glass vial of poison and close the lid.

The isotope decays at a random rate eventually breaking the vial of poison and killing the cat.

Until you open the box and observe the cat, it exists in a state of superposition, both alive and dead at the same time.

This is also expressed in the double slit experiment.

Fire a laser at a double slit and you get a diffusion pattern of peaks and valleys on the other side… similar to a wave form.

This is because you don’t know which slit the photons went through so it acts like a wave.

But as soon as you place a detector on the other side of the double slit that detects which one the photon went through and suddenly the waveform collapses into a single point.

The act of observation collapses the wave form and brings the photon into real tangible existence as a particle.

The last thing to understand is the nature of free will. I describe it like this:

Just because you know

Where one began

And where one will end

Does not mean you know

The path they took

To get there
It isn’t about where you started

It isn’t about where you end up

That is the same for all

For the end is the beginning

And the beginning is the end
It is about the journey

The journey is where we find

Free will
We are both discovering

And choosing our path

Alongside God

In every moment of now
It is an unveiling

A revealing

Of the question

Who am I?

In every moment
We are but a pixel in time

We are but a stroke

Of the brush

Painting a masterpiece
Just because God can see

The end state of that masterpiece

Does not mean God knows

Every stroke of the brush

In advance
That we are discovering


In each moment

Like a master painter

Gently guiding his student

So let’s apply the concept of superposition to this. If God is constantly observing us and resolving us into our permanent state how then do we have a choice? How then do we have the freedom to make a mistake?

That is where the quantum blindspot comes into play.

You see there was one number left out of Tesla’s Vortex math chart… the number zero.

The intersection of the lines of energy passing through 1,2,4,8,7,5.


You see as you traverse the 3D realm you inevitably accumulate negative energy.

The zero in the center of the chart is the singularity that 9 cannot see past where negative energy is transformed into positive.

It functions as the unconscious of the collective consciousness.

So what is the Quantum Blindspot?

It is the black hole of energy transformation.

It is the zero in the center of the vortex math chart depicted by Nikola Tesla

It is where negative energy goes to get transformed into positive.

It is the continual circle of life, growth, harvest, death and rebirth.

In quantum terms it is the nature of superposition where the waveform of energy collapses into a resolved state once it is observed.

It is the original Schrödinger’s cat. Both alive and dead at the same time

In terms of consciousness it is the nature of free will.
Our ability to choose in every moment of now what state we wish to resolve into.

In spiritual terms, the Quantum Blindspot is Christ
The Quantum realm is the Eternal realm
It exists outside the scope of observable time


I found something very curious when I read about the death of Christ:

Mark 15:33 talks about how from the 6th hour to the 9th hour the sky went dark.

When the 9th hour came he said “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me” and then he gave up his spirit.

I take that to mean that God the great observer of all things was so overcome with grief watching his precious son be tortured and die on the cross… that God closed its eyes and turned away.

God isn’t some eye in the sky observing every move we make from afar.

God sees through our very own eyes.

That is how Christ knew God had turned its back and looked away.

God knows your choices because you know your choices.

This gave Christ the perfect opportunity to absorb the sin of all humanity throughout all time to a single point and take it beyond the veil into death where God the creator doesn’t look.

In the quantum realm all time exists at the same time.

Time is just a measure of distance in 4 dimensions

There is another curious thing about this particular verse
6th hour is the first six
Chapter 15 - 1+5 is the second six
Verse 33 - 3+3 is the third six
666 - Christ literally becoming all sin throughout all time

However when we read the same verse in Matthew 27:45
From the 6th hour to the 9th hour there was darkness
9th hour is the first nine
Chapter 27 - 2+7 is the second 9
Verse 45 - 4+5 is the third 9

Pointing to Christ becoming 999; literally becoming God

Now one sync like this could be chalked up to coincidence but two verses lining up perfectly like that?

I attribute these three 9’s to three forces


Earth is the battleground
between the opposing forces
of Infinite Completion
and Infinite Possibility.
One stands at the end of time…
The other at the beginning
One tries to guide away
from hurt and harm
because it knows the right path…
The other rebels, generates new possibilities and says,
“I wanna try this anyway and see what happens”
In reality they stand back to back…
For the beginning is the end…
And the end is the beginning.
All of this is made manifest
through humanity in the infinite now.
Humanity is simply the result
of the ongoing negotiations
between these two forces.
When all of these three come into alignment…
Infinite Completion
Infinite Possibility
In the Infinite Now
That is when the magic happens.

999 points to the convergence and alignment of these three forces

There is one last thing that is curious about 666, the number of the beast.

Three sixes equals 18
1+8 = 9
This points to 369
But this doesn’t mean the power of 369 is evil.

369 simply unlocks the power of manifesting your will into reality

It is neither good or evil but simply a tool

It becomes evil when it is used selfishly absent the guiding power of God’s will.

Which leads me to my last point; something my father always said: “The price of freedom is virtue”

The only way to truly defeat
The tyranny of control
Is to make it

A world without fear
Without suffering
And Without boundaries
Is populated by individuals
Who impose the boundaries
Of virtue and fear on themselves.

"For you have been called
To live in freedom,
My brothers and sisters.
But don't use your freedom
To satisfy your sinful nature.
Instead us your freedom
To serve one another in love."
-Galatians 5:13

The question,
"What am I capable of?"
Should both excite you
And terrify you.


If it doesn’t do both… you are living in a state of denial and probably repressing your inner shadow, inner demons.

The quantum blindspot as I said is the collective unconscious of the collective consciousness.

It calls to you and begs you to look inside, see the darkest most depraved parts of yourself, and take them back as a warning and reminder to always strive to live in the light.

About a year ago I had a confrontation with my inner demons.

A wave of confusion washed over me and I began to get auditory command hallucinations telling me to do horrible things.

I thought I would be trapped in that moment forever but all I did was hug myself and resolve never to give in to what those voices were telling me.

And just like that the moment passed.

Later I wrote this from my experience:

I peered into the void of the quantum blindspot. All I saw there was myself trapped in the insanity of my own sin. All I heard was my voice telling me to do horrible things. All I did was hug myself and resolve never to give in even if I would be trapped there for eternity.

And as soon as it began, the experience ended. It was then that I realized what someone with no sin would see when they peered into that void.
Simply an unborn child, resting peacefully in the loving womb of the universe.
And I realized…
We are the child, we are the womb
What are you feeding it?


The light brings forth what hides in the darkness… and love is blind to it.

This is what we are all here to do: transmute negative energy into positive.

But you can’t even begin to do it effectively until you do the shadow work.

Face your shadow and sin… then give it a hug and forgive it.

It calls to you
Whispers to you
To look inside
And see yourself
For who you truly are
Face your shadow
Take back the burden
Of your sin
Put that part of yourself
To death
Pick up your cross
And follow
Choosing to live
In virtue and love


The only way we all heal the collective is if we each have the courage to face our shadow individually
And take it back
Pick up our cross
One soul at a time

At the extreme there are two types of souls.

The First:
You may have had a lifetime of pain dumped on you by others.
Some of the closest people to you
Have done their worst.
You may think people who hurt you bring out the worst in you.
However that pain isn’t you
It twists, corrupts and hides
Your beautiful light
It twists, corrupts and transforms
Your unconditional love
You are carrying the burden of other people’s sin in the form of the pain…
That you refuse to let go of
That isn’t your job to do or your cross to bear.
You are not Jesus Christ
Stop trying to act like him
I swear…
The ego on some people

Those with the light in them are magnets for darkness and have darkness dumped on them.
Outwardly they look dark and suffer for it.
They think they are dark but they are just lying to themselves.

The Second:
You may have dumped a lifetime of pain on others.
You have done your worst
To some of the closest people to you.
You may think that you are showing the best of yourself
However you are just an energy vampire
Sucking the light out of others
To hide your darkness
Your so called "love"
Is hate in disguise
You are dumping your darkness on others in the form of sin and pain
And you refuse to stop
That is not your job to do, pick your cross back up
You are not the Devil
Stop trying to act like him
I swear...
The ego on some people.

Those with darkness in them are devourers of the light.
They try and absorb it so outwardly they can look like the light.
But they are just lying to themselves.

The light yearns for the eternal
The dark yearns for the flesh

Humanity is a chaotic mixture of these extremes that makes everything look like a confusing grey fog.

Both find release at the cross.

Christ is not exclusive to any one particular faith
He is meant to be a unification of all faiths
Faiths that were split and fractured into different CULTures when the languages of humanity were confused.

We got it wrong at the last Tower of Babel
But we can learn from history and get it right now.

The Quantum Blindspot is a mirror that reveals the truth of who you are, good and bad.

The only way to conquer it is to peer into it
Reveal yourself
And conquer yourself
That is how we heal the pain we have inflicted
And the pain that has been inflicted on us
That is how we take back our cross

The first death to self is where you conquer and master your desire for enlightenment and eternity

This is where the pain inflicted on you gets transmuted and released.

The corrupted version of this desire just leads to suicide and murder.

The second death to self is where you conquer and master your desire for the flesh and earthly things.

This is where the pain you have inflicted on others gets transmuted and forgiven.

The corrupted form of this desire just leads to envy, lust, gluttony, sloth and other earthly sins

Both are a baptism by fire

Both are a look into the Quantum Blindspot

Only then will you understand how to live a life of balance.

Time to step out of apathy and ignite your passion
Time to reveal yourself
Time to heal yourself
Time to shift your reality
Time to integrate and become whole
Time to align yourself
Time to go out and hack your reality
Time to be the change you want to see in the world
Now is always the right time
Because now is the only time
Time is energy
Energy is infinite
Energy is the currency of the universe
Every day is judgement day
Look inside and judge yourself in every moment of time
Every day is your spiritual birthday

The only judgement you will ever receive is your own.

”Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.“
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

And buy gold refined in the fire

“My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; And my revenue than choice silver.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭8‬:‭19‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3‬:‭18‬ ‭KJV‬‬

It is curious how Lucifer is the darkness
That bore the Light

And Christ is the Light
That bore our darkness

Two sides of the same coin
A tale as old as time
Beauty and the Beast

One accuses
One redeems

The irony of the accuser
Is it only accuses itself
Inside it is filled with self loathing
Forgive it so you may be forgiven

The irony of the redeemer
Is it redeems everyone
Inside it is filled with self love
Love it so that you may be love

We are a reflection of both

Don't accuse others
You are only accusing yourself
And will be judged by the same standard

Look inward instead
Accuse yourself
Bring what you find into the light
Release it at the foot of the cross
So you can be redeemed
What then is there left
Hiding in the darkness
For the accuser to accuse you of?

Christ showed us the path
Towards saving ourselves
Confront your shadow
And give it a hug

You must forgive yourself
In order to be able to truly forgive others
You must love yourself
In order to truly show love towards others

Christ is the foundation of it all
The Light reveals what hides in the darkness
And Love is blind to it

On judgment day you come before God
You see two figures

On one side is Christ
Dying on the cross

On the other side is Lucifer
Shouting accusations at you

You must make a decision to hug only one
Whichever one you choose
You become the other
Which do you pick?

Hug = Forgiveness
Love your enemy
We are our own worst enemies

“Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, “It has come at last— salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth— the one who accuses them before our God day and night. And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die.”
Revelation 12:10-11 NLT

Read it again and see
It is ok to cry
Crying is a release
But don’t ever look away
Take the hand of the Light and lead it through the darkness
Don’t ever close your eyes again as long as you live
Only close your eyes to the darkness in others
Judge not
Lest you be judged.

Light reveals what is hiding in the darkness
And Love is blind to it.

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