Magrav Technology and Fermilab. What is on the horizon concerning the most basic particle exploration?

in quantumcomputing •  3 years ago  (edited)

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Magrav Technology

What is it?

Using Magnetic and Gravitational Fields as means of Lift, Drive and Energy Generation. . .

magnetic motors and plasma generators: technologies that have the potential to resolve the global energy crisis, while ushering in a new era of galactic space exploration – think about that!

Imagine living on a healthy, sustainable planet with a flourishing economy, a thriving ecosystem and incredible spaceship technology – unlike anything we’ve ever seen. That ladies and gentlemen is the Vision of The New Energy Industry and the potential we see in Magrav Technology.

Now let's look at a classical understanding of space and time.. .then at Quantum fluctuations of space and time

What is Fermilab

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Fermilab scientists have been conducting experiments to look for quantum fluctuations of space and time at the smallest scale imaginable according to known physics. At this limit, the Planck length, our classical notions of space and time break down.

Imagine the ratio of the size of the universe compared to a speck of dust. That’s about how big the speck of dust is compared to the Planck length, 10-33 ( read as a superscript so exponential to the negative 33ed power) centimeters. The Planck time is how long it takes light to travel that distance.

Quantum mechanics tells us that everything is constantly fluctuating on small scales, but Planck-scale jitters of space and time themselves are so small that they’ve never been measured in the laboratory. Better understanding movement at the Planck scale may help physicists answer a basic and important question: Why do things appear to happen at definite times and places?

This space-time property, sometimes called simply “locality,” is indeed pretty basic. Definite places and times are supposed to be what space-time is made of — the very fabric of reality.

It has long been thought that the Planck scale is too small to study in any experiment, but about 10 years ago we decided to try it anyway. It’s possible that Planck-scale quantum uncertainties of space-time add up over the time it takes light to cross an experiment, so an impossibly small effect becomes merely very hard — rather than impossible — to detect. So, we built an apparatus called the Fermilab Holometer to look for very small fluctuations in widely separated locations.

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The paper documenting our first science results is now published in Physical Review Letters here,

Measurements are reported of the cross-correlation of spectra of differential position signals from the Fermilab Holometer, a pair of colocated 39 m long, high power Michelson interferometers with flat broadband frequency response in the MHz range. The instrument obtains sensitivity to high frequency correlated signals far exceeding any previous measurement in a broad frequency band extending beyond the 3.8 MHz inverse light-crossing time of the apparatus.

Let's do a refresher. . .

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Optical interference between two point sources that have different wavelengths and separations of sources.

A beam when split becomes two beams.
Each will receive
One reflection one transmission, but not at the same time.
Is it due to them traveling at different distances?

A micrometer on the Michelson Interferometer, can move the mirror closer or further away from the mirror.

As it increases or decreases the distance from one of the beams from the split, when the micrometer is adjusted, light from the two different beams will interfere and fringes can be seen where the resulting beam ends up.

It resembles ripples in water when you throw a rock in a river.

It gives one a way to solve for

  • the wavelength of light
  • refractive index of material

Laser diodes are used.

a light-emitting diode in which a diode pumped directly with electrical current can create lasing conditions at the diode's junction. Laser diodes can directly convert electrical energy into light.

Laser light is also monochromatic, meaning laser light isn't composed of several lights combined together, but one light of the same wavelength and energy. Normally with LEDs, the different light outputs are based upon different colors combined. One such example is green light. To output green light, blue and yellow lights are combined to give green. Lasers, for the most part, do not follow this. Laser lights have a single spectral color and is almost the purest monochromatic light available.

Unlike LED light, a laser's light output is more concentrated, meaning it has a smaller and more narrow viewing angle. This means it must be directed at its source more directly in order to be picked up.

Laser diodes are used in CD players, CD-ROM drives, and other optical storage drives. They are used in laser printers, laser fax machines, laser pointers, measurement equipment, bar-code and UPC scanners, and in high-performance imagers, as well as various other applications. These are just the most popular and used aspects of them.

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See a Michelson Interferometer here,

Quantum matter and space-time: two world-systems sharing one unexplained reality

A quantum system is anything made of matter and energy, and nothing in it happens at a definite place and time until it is measured. Space-time seems to be just the opposite: Everything happens locally at a definite place, but its properties can be measured only nonlocally, that is, by comparing what happens in different places.

Somehow, these two different world-systems — quantum matter and space-time — share and interact in the same real physical world.

Local absolute space directly affects matter, as anyone can see by spinning a top or experience by getting dizzy on a merry-go-round.

Because matter is the source of gravity, it obviously affects space and time.

Gravitational waves, which are made of pure space-time, carry energy and information, even through “empty” space, and matter can turn into pure space-time, in the form of black holes.

But nobody understands exactly how quantum stuff relates to space and time.

The reason it’s easy to forget about quantum space-time in everyday life, and even in most Fermilab experiments, is that it doesn’t affect anything we actually measure.

Although there must be some quantum uncertainty to space-time itself, it becomes fatal to standard theory only below. . . the length where single quantum particles form black holes. This is the tiny scale we call the Planck length.

The Holometer’s success in measuring nothing

On a modest, 40-meter scale, the Holometer resembles giant detectors, such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory in Hanford, Washington, and Livingston, Louisiana, that are used to detect gravitational waves from distant objects.

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Like LIGO, it uses mirrors and light — laser interferometers — to measure the shaking of space and time. In the Holometer, the laser light and mirrors, taken together as a system, become a nonlocal quantum object 40 meters long in one direction and 40 meters in another. They create an output signal that depends on quantum differences in the mirror positions. We can measure fluctuations from random changes of relative position of only one Planck length every Planck time if they are coherently correlated on the scale of the apparatus.

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We published the results of our first experiment several years ago. In one sense the experiment was a big success, since we succeeded in measuring nothing with an unprecedented precision: With some kinds of Planck-scale jitters, we would have seen a big effect. But we found no such shaking. It was quiet.

However, that experiment did not rule out all kinds of fluctuating motion in space-time. For example, because the arms of its interferometers were straight, the laser light would not be affected if the apparatus shook with a purely rotational motion: The mirrors would move sideways relative to the beam instead of along it.

Searching for Planck-scale twists in space-time

In general relativity, rotating matter drags space-time along with it. In the presence of a rotating mass, the local nonrotating frame, as measured by a gyroscope, rotates relative to the distant universe, as measured by distant stars. It could well be that quantum space-time has a Planck-scale uncertainty of the local frame, which would lead to random rotational fluctuations or twists that we would not have detected in our first experiment, and much too small to detect in any normal gyroscope.

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So, we did a new experiment. We rebuilt the apparatus in a new shape. We added extra mirrors to steer some of the laser light in different direction, so the signal would respond to coherent rotational jitters or twists.

The new instrument is an incredibly sensitive gyroscope for very short durations, able to detect very small rotational twists over the fraction of a microsecond it takes light to cross it. We can detect shaking that changes direction randomly a million times a second, but that moves the opposite sides of the apparatus by only a billionth of a billionth of a meter — a speed much slower than continental drift. In our apparatus, that corresponds to randomly fluctuating twists of about one Planck length every Planck time.

We recently completed our final experiment with this reconfigured Holometer. Our final result is again no jitters, which can be interpreted as no Planck-scale twists, of a certain kind, in the fabric of space-time. It seems space-time at the Planck scale is very quiet indeed.

The reason to keep looking for these effects is that we may never understand how quantum space-time works without some measurement to guide theory. The Holometer program is exploratory. Our experiment started with only rough theories to guide its design, and we still do not have a unique way to interpret our null results, since there is no rigorous theory of what we are looking for. Are the jitters just a bit smaller than we thought they might be, or do they have a symmetry that creates a pattern in space that we haven’t measured? New technology will enable future experiments better than ours and possibly give us some clues to how space and time emerge from a deeper quantum system.

We recently published a paper on our findings

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See more in sources under arXiv.

So there has never before been a proper metric to measure it in classical metric.

A look at Nassim Haramein's work

Nassim Haramein has spent more than 30 years researching and discovering connections in physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry as well as anthropology and archeology.

These studies led Haramein to groundbreaking theories, published papers and patented inventions in unified physics, which are now gaining worldwide recognition and acceptance.

Haramein’s findings are based on a fundamental geometric quantization of spacetime, formalizing a unification between the quantum scale and cosmological-sized objects, including the universe itself.

Haramein's seminal paper “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass” was published in the peer-reviewed journal Physical Review & Research International in 2013 (see link in sources below).

Utilizing a generalized holographic principle, the paper predicted a precise value of the charge radius of the proton which disagreed with the Standard Model by 4%.

This prediction was later confirmed by a team of scientists at the Paul Scherrer Institute utilizing muons in a proton accelerator. The measurement has since been validated by the adjusted 2018 CODATA value of the proton RMS charge radius.

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Muons are used by physicists to determine magnetic fields within a solid. Muons for solid-state research are only available at two sites in Europe – the Paul Scherrer Institute (Swiss muon source SμS) and the ISIS research centre near Oxford in England.

Refresher on Muons for those who need it
Muon, elementary subatomic particle similar to the electron but 207 times heavier. It has two forms, the negatively charged muon and its positively charged antiparticle. The muon was discovered as a constituent of cosmic-ray particle “showers” in 1936 by the American physicists Carl D. Anderson and Seth Neddermeyer.

Because of its mass, it was at first thought to be the particle predicted by the Japanese physicist Yukawa Hideki in 1935 to explain the strong force that binds protons and neutrons together in atomic nuclei. It was subsequently discovered, however, that a muon is correctly assigned as a member of the lepton group of subatomic particles—i.e., it never reacts with nuclei or other particles through the strong interaction.

A muon is relatively unstable, with a lifetime of only 2.2 microseconds before it decays by the weak force into an electron and two kinds of neutrinos. Because muons are charged, before decaying they lose energy by displacing electrons from atoms (ionization).

At high-particle velocities close to the speed of light, ionization dissipates energy in relatively small amounts, so muons in cosmic radiation are extremely penetrating and can travel thousands of metres below the Earth’s surface.

The experimental opportunities with slow muons offered by PSI are unique. Research with muons is, for example, very significant in tests on high-temperature superconductivity and new magnetic materials. Muon experiments are often supplemented with those employing neutrons and synchrotron light.

ISIS Neutron and Muon Source is based at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire and is a world-leading centre for research in the physical and life sciences. It is owned and operated by the Science and Technology Facilities Council.
ISIS Neutron and Muon Source produces beams of neutrons and muons that allow scientists to study materials at the atomic level using a suite of instruments, often described as ‘super-microscopes’. It supports a national and international community of more than 2​000 scientists who use neutrons and muons for research in physics, chemistry, materials science, geology, engineering, and biology.

ISIS neutron and muon instruments are free to use for researchers provided the results from experiments are published in the public domain. Fully confidential use of the instruments is also available for industrial and commercial customers. ​
Nassim states, "I knew it would have an impact on many different aspects of physics, but I didn't realize how beautiful the whole thing would come together.

The key was really an analytical solution to gravity.
In relationship to scales as well. . .and that unified all the physics constants in such a way that the relationship between them depict a picture that unify the different scales of forces, but as well unify the different scales of particles and organized matter in the universe all the way out to the universal size and the multiverse if we want to.

The Implication and profoundness of the unification is remarkable and it's Extremely Precise in it's predictive power.

As Nassim had published his work back in 2012, what makes it More Exciting now?

Nassim states that was really the beginning of the unification, he could see the picture all the way through, but before he had finished the formalism and he hadn't understood the mathematical implications yet of what he had found years before.

When the radius of the proton became the Standard for physics he had predicted. . .meaning CODATA adopted this new value in 2018 so Nassim was very excited.

At the same time, they changed the way the si units are described and they made values in the fundamental units.

for example the co-data is where all the Constants in physics are Recorded, they're agreed upon and it's the result of many different experiments that are compiled in a certain algorithm. . ..
so then the output of the value is the Official Value; therefore, for the radius of the proton Nassim predicted to become the official value. . .based on the experiment that showed that was correct. . .was a Big Step.

The extent of the theory that Unified View Nassim had started on got even more support by the fact that the si units and the co-data took hbar as an exact value and the hbar is the planck constant they actually based the kilogram on.

  • So all of a sudden it wasn't a ball in the vacuum chamber in Paris that was the fundamental unit, but actual theory and had a relationship to the planck's unit which is the unit Nassim used for the equation. . .the holographic mass solution that gives the correct radius for the proton.*

Basically. ..all of a sudden, the basis of what Nassim had done was getting acknowledged as fundamental in That Way.
Eventually he was using these planck's interactions which are now regarded as fundamental units of nature, so he has been able to extrapolate it to all the scales from particle scale to the planets, stars, galaxies, clusters and super clusters with a very high level of accuracy.

This is to All the Forces. . .the electromagnetic force, the strong force, the gravitational force, the weak force.

If not familiar with the electromagnetic force see here,

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the weak force or weak nuclear force, is the mechanism of interaction between subatomic particles that is responsible for the radioactive decay of atoms.

The weak force is one of the four fundamental forces that govern all matter in the universe (the other three are gravity, electromagnetism and the strong force). While the other forces hold things together, the weak force plays a greater role in things falling apart, or decaying.

The weak force, or weak interaction, is stronger than gravity, but it is only effective at very short distances. It acts on the subatomic level and plays a crucial role in powering stars and creating elements. It is also responsible for much of the natural radiation present in the universe, according to the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab).

Italian physicist Enrico Fermi devised a theory in 1933 to explain beta decay, which is the process by which a neutron in a nucleus changes into a proton and expels an electron, often called a beta particle in this context. "“He defined a new type of force, the so-called weak interaction, that was responsible for decay, and whose fundamental process was transforming a neutron into a proton, an electron and a neutrino," which was later determined to be an anti-neutrino, wrote Giulio Maltese, an Italian physics historian, in "Particles of Man," an article published in 2013 in the journal Lettera Matematica.

According to Maltese, Fermi originally thought that this involved what amounted to a zero-distance or adhesive force whereby the two particles actually had to be touching for the force to work. It has since been shown that the weak force is actually an attractive force that works at an extremely short range of about 0.1 percent of the diameter of a proton, according to HyperPhysics, a website produced by Georgia State University.

The weak force is part of the reigning theory of particle physics, the Standard Model, which describes the fundamental structure of matter using an "elegant series of equations," according to CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. Under the Standard Model, elementary particles — that is, those that cannot be split up into smaller parts — are the building blocks of the universe.

One of these particles is the quark. Scientists haven't seen any indication that there is anything smaller than a quark, but they're still looking. There are six types, or "flavors," of quarks: up, down, strange, charm, bottom and top (in ascending order by mass). In different combinations, they form many varied species of the subatomic particle zoo, according to the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.

For example, protons and neutrons, the "big" particles of an atom's nucleus, each consist of bundles of three quarks. * Two ups and a down make a proton;

  • an up and two downs make a neutron.
    Changing the flavor of a quark can change a proton into a neutron, thus changing the element into a different one.

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Another type of elementary particle is the boson. These are force-carrier particles that are made up of bundles of energy.
Two types of boson

  • Photons
  • Gluons

From the world renown photographer and artist Seb Janiak,

For the "Photon" series, the work was more complex. The problem being that the photon is not only a form of continuity but also an intermediate state between matter and the Divine. The vibratory nature of light brings us back to the wave-particle duality. Furthermore, in physics, wave-particle duality or wave-corpuscle duality is a principle whereby all objects in the microscopic universe simultaneously exhibit the properties of waves and particles. The set-up therefore had to enable the solar radiation to be channeled towards the lens. The use of a prism was the obvious choice: it alone enables invisible white light to be decomposed into seven primary colors. The challenge was to create an "afocal" light which would not be subject to the depth of field. To achieve this, a specific search for special focusing settings enabled me to capture the radiation of sharply-defined, non-diffuse photons.

"Let there be light! And there was light!" The first divine order of creation gave existence to the structural essence of light. Its rays accomplish all divine manifestations.

It was at that moment that the first particles of quarks and antiquarks burst out from the quantum vacuum in a literal bath of photons. This materialization of matter and antimatter would immediately cause a life-or-death struggle between these two opposing components: pairs of particles and antiparticles would annihilate each other to become light (photons). Then, through a symmetrical reaction, these photons would materialize in pairs of particles-antiparticles. The universe was then a soup of quarks and antiquarks in perpetual annihilation - materialization!

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If you're not as familiar with these terms or have not gotten as far into quantum field theory in your physics classes, then go here for a basic breakdown.

Remember, Higgs Boson discovered on July 4, 2012 in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN by the

  • ATLAS. . ..A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS] is the largest, general-purpose particle detector experiment and experiments held there.
  • CMS. . .The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment is one of two large general-purpose particle physics detectors built on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN

The goal of CMS experiment is to investigate a wide range of physics, including the search for the Higgs boson, extra dimensions, and particles that could make up dark matter.

In other words duality? Can you have one without the other?
Kind of reminds you of an old Michael W. Smith song. . .

Trilogy: The Other Side Of Me Michael W. Smith
Cover done by this channel with parts from UP

The Higgs boson is an elementary particle in the Standard Model of particle physics produced by the quantum excitation of the Higgs field, one of the fields in particle physics theory. In the Standard Model, the Higgs particle is a massive scalar boson with zero spin, no electric charge, and no colour charge. It is also very unstable, decaying into other particles almost immediately.

Inside the World's Largest Science Experiment

W and Z bosons

The weak force is carried by the W and Z bosons. These particles were predicted by Nobel laureates Steven Weinberg, Sheldon Salam and Abdus Glashow in the 1960s, and discovered in 1983 at CERN.

W bosons are electrically charged and are designated by their symbols: W+ (positively charged) and W− (negatively charged). The W boson changes the makeup of particles. By emitting an electrically charged W boson, the weak force changes the flavor of a quark, which causes a proton to change into a neutron, or vice versa. This is what triggers nuclear fusion and causes stars to burn, according to CERN. The burning creates heavier elements, which are eventually thrown into space in supernova explosions to become the building blocks for planets, along with plants, people and everything else on Earth.

The Z boson is neutrally charged and carries a weak neutral current. Its interaction with particles is hard to detect. Experiments to find W and Z bosons led to a theory combining the electromagnetic force and the weak force into a unified "electroweak" force in the 1960s. However, the theory required the force-carrying particles to be massless, and scientists knew that the theoretical W boson had to be heavy to account for its short range. According to CERN, theorists accounted for the W's mass by introducing an unseen mechanism dubbed the Higgs mechanism, which calls for the existence of a Higgs boson. In 2012, CERN reported that scientists using the world's largest atom smasher observed a new particle "consistent with the appearance of a Higgs boson."

In the same way that electric charge determines a particle’s response to an electromagnetic force, the so-called “weak charge” characterizes the weak force’s effect on a particle. Weak charges are hard to measure because the force is relatively small. Now the Qweak Collaboration has for the first time teased out the proton’s weak charge, as reported in Physical Review Letters.

Nuclear fusion

The weak force plays an important role in nuclear fusion, the reaction that powers the sun and thermonuclear (hydrogen) bombs. The first step in hydrogen fusion is to smash two protons together with enough energy to overcome the mutual repulsion they experience due to the electromagnetic force. If the two particles can be brought close enough to each other, the strong force can bind them together. This creates an unstable form of helium (2He), which has a nucleus with two protons, as opposed to the stable form of helium (4He), which has two protons and two neutrons.

The next step is where the weak force comes into play. Because of the overabundance of protons, one of the pair undergoes beta decay. After that, other subsequent reactions, including the intermediate formation and fusion of 3He, eventually form stable 4He.

To identify the contribution from the weak force, the researchers looked for a difference in the number of events as they altered the electron spin polarization. Such a difference is expected because the weak interaction, unlike the other fundamental forces, violates parity (or mirror) symmetry.

Each of the four forces results from the exchange of force-carrier particles.

  • The strong force is carried by the gluon
  • the electromagnetic force is carried by the photon
  • The graviton is theoretically the force-carrying particle of gravity, but it has not been found yet.

According to Jefferson Lab
Scientists know that the sun gets its shine through the actions of a little-understood fundamental force of nature called the weak force. But there’s a lot that they don’t know about the weak force. So for the first time, researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Jefferson Lab are trying to precisely measure the weak force's grasp on the ubiquitous proton.
The weak force is one of four fundamental forces, which include electromagnetism, gravity and the strong force.

The weak force acts on subatomic particles, such as the protons, neutrons and electrons that make up atoms. These particles carry a weak charge, a measure of the influence that the weak force can exert on them.

While the weak charge has not been measured precisely for the proton, its properties have been predicted by the Standard Model, the theory that describes protons, neutrons and other particles. By measuring the proton's weak charge in an experiment called Q-weak, scientists hope to gain insight into the Standard Model and perhaps lead to predictions of heavy particles, such as those that may be produced by the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Europe.

"The weak charge for the proton is exquisitely, accurately predicted by the Standard Model. And so, what we are doing is taking a prediction that is very, very precise and testing it with a precise measurement," says Roger Carlini, a co-spokesperson for the Q-weak collaboration and a Hall C staff scientist.

“Precision measurements like this one can act as windows into a world of potential new particles that otherwise might only be observable using extremely high-energy accelerators that are currently beyond the reach of our technical capabilities,” said Roger Carlini, CEBAF Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at William & Mary as well as a Jefferson Lab scientist. Carlini is a co-spokesperson for the Q-weak Collaboration.

"Beyond its research outcomes, Q-weak was a training ground for many early career scientists," said Anne Kinney, assistant director for the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorate at the National Science Foundation. "Twenty-three people earned their Ph.D.s working on this experiment, 17 supported by NSF grants to faculty at five different U.S. universities. Q-weak also provided excellent training opportunities to nearly 50 undergraduate students supported by NSF grants, including several who received NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates awards."

In the experiment, the beam targeted a small vessel of liquid hydrogen, whose protons scattered the electrons into eight symmetrically placed detectors.

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Is this Truly Everything about EVERYTHING? You decide! Keep studying the findings are Incredible!

Nassim states in referring to All of these Forces.
"All of a sudden these things all come together
and all of a sudden you have a picture where all of these units, the si units (the international system of units) are all upgraded to 10 to minus 12 to maybe 10 to minus 13 which means they have that level of accuracy, so this is the predictive power of theory."

He then asks, so how do you know it is correct?
Because the same mathematics connects all of these Constants in Physics all of a sudden."

Some of these constants like the G factor. . . (also called g value or dimensionless magnetic moment) is a dimensionless quantity that characterizes the magnetic moment and angular momentum of an atom, a particle or the nucleus. It is essentially a proportionality constant that relates the observed magnetic moment μ of a particle to its angular momentum quantum number and a unit of magnetic moment (to make it dimensionless), usually the Bohr magneton or nuclear magneton.
the Rydberg Constant. . . the fundamental constant of atomic physics that appears in the formulas developed (1890) by the Swedish physicist Johannes Rydberg, describing the wavelengths or frequencies of light in various series of related spectral lines, most notably those emitted by hydrogen atoms in the Balmer series.

So if the equations give the correct answer on multiples of these constants that are measured very precisely, then the rest can be considered predictive or most likely accurate.

This gives us very accurate values for alpha and mu.

Refresher on Alpha and Mu waves

Alpha waves or Alpha rhythm are macroscopic neural oscillations in the frequency range of 8–12 Hz likely originating from the synchronous and coherent (in phase or constructive) electrical activity of thalamic pacemaker cells in humans. Historically, they are also called "Berger's waves" after Hans Berger, who first described them when he invented the EEG in 1924.

They can be predominantly recorded from the occipital lobes during wakeful relaxation with closed eyes and were the earliest brain rhythm recorded in humans. Alpha waves are reduced with open eyes, drowsiness and sleep.

Historically, alpha waves were thought to represent the activity of the visual cortex in an idle state. More recent papers have argued that they inhibit areas of the cortex not in use, or alternatively that they play an active role in network coordination and communication. Occipital alpha waves during periods of eyes closed are the strongest EEG brain signals.

Alpha waves are present at different stages of the wake-sleep cycle.

  • The most widely researched is during the relaxed mental state, where the subject is at rest with eyes closed, but is not tired or asleep.

  • The second occurrence of alpha wave activity is during REM sleep. As opposed to the awake form of alpha activity, this form is located in a frontal-central location in the brain.

The sensorimotor mu rhythm, also known as mu wave, comb or wicket rhythms or arciform rhythms, are synchronized patterns of electrical activity involving large numbers of neurons, probably of the pyramidal type, in the part of the brain that controls voluntary movement.

These patterns as measured by electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), or electrocorticography (ECoG), repeat at a frequency of 7.5–12.5 (and primarily 9–11) Hz, and are most prominent when the body is physically at rest. Unlike the alpha wave, which occurs at a similar frequency over the resting visual cortex at the back of the scalp, the mu rhythm is found over the motor cortex, in a band approximately from ear to ear. A person suppresses mu rhythms when he or she performs a motor action or, with practice, when he or she visualizes performing a motor action.

This suppression is called desynchronization of the wave because EEG wave forms are caused by large numbers of neurons firing in synchrony. The mu rhythm is even suppressed when one observes another person performing a motor action or an abstract motion with biological characteristics. Researchers such as V. S. Ramachandran and colleagues have suggested that this is a sign that the mirror neuron system is involved in mu rhythm suppression, although others disagree.

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So the fields are interconnected, by the same concept. . .are people interconnected at the quantum level?

Hear a video interview with Nassim here,
A new scientific paper on Unified Physics about to be published by Nassim Haramein

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Space is not empty, it is full of fluctuating energy - referred to technically as quantum vacuum energy. ARK crystals are high purity, lab-grown quartz, engineered to couple with certain modes of these energetic fluctuations. This harmonic coupling enables the ARK crystal to generate a field of sustained coherence, shown to have a positive effect on water and thus, biological systems.

The ARK crystal was designed specifically to interact with water. Because of this, research shows that the ARK crystal has a highly coherent interaction with water, positively structuring water at the molecular level, increasing its intrinsic bioenergy and making it more bioavailable.

This means that water exposed to the ARK crystal is more bioavailable to a living system.

Watch the Water?
Highly structured [potentiated] water is easily absorbed by the cell, promoting a more efficient exchange of information and energy between the quantum vacuum and the cellular matrix.
The ARK crystal causes an energetic shift in the bonds of the water molecule, making it more metabolically available - optimizing hydration, enhancing feelings of well-being and vitality.

More on Muons,
Slow or Low Energy Muons (LEM) are only available for experiments at the Paul Scherrer Institute. With the aid of slow muons of this kind, it is possible to measure magnetic fields in thin-film structures, as used nowadays in a great variety of electronic equipment, such as, for example, the read heads of computer hard-disk drives. Of decisive importance in this connection is the fact that the faster the muons are, the deeper they lodge in the sample. Muons, coming directly from a muon source, are so fast that they would simply travel through thin films without supplying any information on the film's properties. This is in contrast with slow muons, which are completely decelerated in a thin film. Since it is also possible to vary the speed of muons, they can thus be used to examine magnetic fields at various depths – from a few to several hundred nanometres.

In conclusion:
In 2010, an international team of researchers at PSI used negative muonsto perform a new measurement of the proton and found that its radius is significantly smaller than previously thought.

Hydrogen made with muons reveals proton size conundrum
1/24/2013, 2:01 PM

Size of helium nucleus measured more precisely than ever before

This prediction was later confirmed by a team of scientists at the Paul Scherrer Institute utilizing muons in a proton accelerator. The measurement has since been validated by the adjusted 2018 CODATA value of the proton RMS charge radius.

Haramein’s findings are based on a fundamental geometric quantization of spacetime, formalizing a unification between the quantum scale and cosmological-sized objects, including the universe itself. Haramein's seminal paper “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass” was published in the peer-reviewed journal Physical Review & Research International in 2013. Utilizing a generalized holographic principle, the paper predicted a precise value of the charge radius of the proton which disagreed with the Standard Model by 4%. This prediction was later confirmed by a team of scientists at the Paul Scherrer Institute utilizing muons in a proton accelerator. The measurement has since been validated by the adjusted 2018 CODATA value of the proton RMS charge radius.

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LM: When I did orthopedic surgery on your leg and we could not get it to heal, one of the things we could do is to put on an electrical stimulator. This electrical stimulator is a wave length. Why does it build bone? It builds bone because your DNA is a wave-length receptor, an antenna. Certain wave lengths will stimulate your DNA in different ways than others. We can put on a particular wave length that stimulates your DNA to make mRNA to make bone. Think about that. If I want to stimulate your brain waves to be depressed, I’m sure there is a formula and a wave length.

LM: Royal Rife who is actually from my neighborhood years ago developed a technology and he showed it very conclusively in science that he found the resonance frequency for tuberculosis. In the days before antibiotics for tuberculosis he could kill tuberculosis by exposing people to wave length. We know that there are good and there are bad wave lengths for us…for humans and for biologic beings.

LM: In 1905 the Rockefeller Foundation decided to change the wave length of the tuning frequency of all the world’s orchestras in music. They tried and couldn’t get it initially. They couldn’t get anyone to buy this and they wanted to change the tuning frequency from A432 to a tuning frequency of A440. I have a whole book on this. They couldn’t get anyone to buy into it. Finally they went to Chicago and they bought up a 6 block area. They found this little guy in mom and pop shop making glockenspiels, the bells for bands. They gave him a deal and said they would let him have a premade, fabulous business building musical instruments but you have to tune your glockenspiels to 440. I’m sure at the time it didn’t seem like much to the man. Who knew about this in 1905? They managed to do this and all our bands and orchestras had to tune to the glockenspiels of 440 because that is not tunable.

LM: so we have been using 440 tuning for a long time. Then they went to Europe and could not get this done. He got Goebbels to go to England and they squeezed the French to going to A440. That is the way the world changed its tuning frequency. Why? I have heard and cannot prove that Tesla said that the even numbered frequencies are not good for water and we are made mostly of water. If you look at the pleasing frequencies for our biologic selves, they can be divided by 3, so they are odd numbers like 432 which adds up to 9. The A440 adds up to 8. That is one of the ways to tell that you shouldn’t be involved with. Tesla said that 60 Herz was bad for humans.

LM: so there is a lot of this and I do think that spiritual energy is a big part. That may be part of this whole ending phenomenon of what is happening to humanity as a whole with the awakening of people’s spiritual energy. I do believe that you can make things worse or better depending on how you approach the spiritual aspect of this. I do think that things can be overcome in the short term when these external agents, and that is one of the things about 5G. People think that it is just nonsense and I tell them the story about the bone stimulator.

LM: It is not nonsense and 5G was developed as a weapon and it was used as a crowd control agent in Iraq because the helical coil of your hair follicle picks up that resonance. It makes you feel like your whole skin is on fire. People say that is high power. Well yes, what happens when I put a hotdog in a microwave and I turn the power down? I just have to cook it longer. That is really what this wavelength technology can do. There are 2 industries that are so completely indemnified that you cannot sue them for medical problems. They are the pharmaceutical and the telecommunications industries.

LM: if you notice, Wuhan was one of the very first cities to have 5G rolled out and a lot of people are talking about the relationship. 5G may not have caused this whole thing but it may have made the reason that Wuhan went down more than other cities in China at the outset. They had completely rolled it (5G) out in Wuhan including the hospitals in December (2019) when this really got bad there. Ultimately Tesla is going to be right that frequency wave length is everything and we need to pay attention to this and it is very scary that somebody else controls that wave length.

SK: absolutely, so what would you say to people at this point in time as they are concerned and a bit afraid of the things of the unknown? I would say there is more concern erupting now within the patriot side of the unknown of the transmissibility than anything else. What would you say to them as words to live by?

LM: this is like when this whole thing started. I always say that when doctors are dying, we have a problem. We do what we can to save ourselves as anybody would. When this first came across and doctors were dying in Lombardy (Italy) it looked really bad. We do what we always do; we studied and we figured it out and we have treatments. When it comes to the natural disease here, which is as you said may just be the psyop part of this, the disease itself is treatable. We could have saved 350,000 last year had we used hydroxychloroquine (hdxq) early and as a prophylaxis and ivermectin and all these things we know now. I didn’t make that number up—it is based on the science. And Michael came up with that number.

LM: for people who are afraid, the first thing to say is we are kind of in a second wave of unknown. We have the unknown of the disease and we figured that out. Now we are in the second wave and we are going to figure this out. But we just don’t have it figured out now. But we are starting above where we started before. We know things that help prevent you from getting the disease. If this is transmitted by spike protein, it should help this too. So, for example, hdxq and ivermectin—everybody should make your immune system as strong as possible.

LM: I have a website, and I go through the list of what you can do to make yourself so healthy that you are less apt to go down with this. Being in isolation is generally not the right thing to do except in one circumstance and that is when you see people literally dropping over on the street like they were in Wuhan and Lombardy when it was coming across so fast it didn’t look right. I would have kept myself home for a while if I had been working in Wuhan at first. But then I would not have wanted to get locked in my house later when we had it under control. That is our problem. We have taken these draconian measures instead of making this voluntary. That is how people avoided smallpox death. There is a time to go to ground. This is not it.

LM: now having said that, if you are pregnant and you are around a lot of people that are vaccinated, you might want to rethink that. Until we figure it out you might want to protect your baby and just stay home. I have talked to Sherry Tenpenny, Stella Immanuel, and a bunch of other doctors. I asked what they do if a pregnant woman starts bleeding and they said, ‘stay home.’ That was their first recommendation. The second recommendation is that we do have prophylaxis and we do have treatment.

LM: there are other things; we are finding out that black cumin seed is a low level hdxq. It is called Nigeli and you can buy it and it seems to be helping. There are a lot of things we know that we didn’t know starting out. There is also elderberry juice and things that you can do yourself to improve your immune system. Our goal should be to not teach our children fear. In the nuclear age we built bomb shelters as a precautionary thing, but we did not live in them. Even if masks or any of this stuff work to some degree, it is not a strategy to take forward into the future. We need to teach our children that we take on life fearlessly but we are not cowering in our basements over a stupid, piss-ant virus like this. We don’t put them in masks and separate our humanity from each other. Masking is a terrible thing for our children and we have to stop it right now.

LM: Florida has opened up; my state is opening up. We have to keep them open and never let them lock us down again. It is time to realize that they are coming after you and they are coming after your children. We have to stand together and you can’t just expect doctors to do this even though we are doing some things to help you be preventive as well as treatments. We need people to stand up and say no more.

SK: these are great words and hopefully very encouraging to patriots. It’s a pleasure having you today, Dr. Merritt. I always close the interviews with a prayer and I’d like to do a prayer for you if that is okay.

LM: thank you, thank you very much.

SK: Heavenly Father, we want to thank you for this blessed time we have come together to once again share truth and open up the hearts and minds of the many, to encourage them, to empower them with the words of truth and wisdom that come from great research and the great understanding of this threat that we face in this day. Lord, we ask that you will continue to bless Dr. Merritt and all she does and continue to give these words out to people to truly understand that one of the greatest things that they can do is to put prayer at the center of their life and through that enhance the strength of their life and the strength of their health of their temple, their body temple. And for each one of them to stand against this and to stand together without fear. We say these things in Christ’s Holy Name. Amen.

Dr. Lee Merritt,

LM: I have things like the code of regulations against the mandates and I have my article on the complete like of hydroxychloroquine which got published.

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not take any future influenza vaccines while in the USAF. I have not taken any vaccines for any reason or disease since that time, over 40 years ago. I have had very few colds and maybe a case of the flu or so since then (very rarely sick at all since birth), but I have never felt as bad as I did when I was forced to get that first and only flu vaccine. Just sharing my personal experience and knowledge…

Much Love,



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