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@bionicprimitive, get fucked spammer!!

Why would you tell me to "get fucked spammer"? I just joined Steemit today, and this is my welcome as a new user. Seems a bit harsh. I posted my BTCP video to the BTCP_Ambassadors telegram group, and one of the members recommended I post it on Steemit and DTUBE. So I just set up an account today and after an hour of frustration learning how to upload videos, I finally posted a few that I made this week. How does that make me a spammer? I'm genuinely confused and wondering if I violated some kind of policy. I was under the impression this was a reasonable space free from the tyranny found at other video posting sites.
It's not easy to do camera tracking and rotowork, which those Quarkchain videos required. I spent days on them and I was excited to show them. Please understand I'm not a spambot, I'm a human that hasn't gotten enough sleep the last few days.

Ok, I just read more of the postings here on this thread, it looks like there have been a bunch of Quarkchain spam accounts happening. We'll I can assure you I'm no bot. I just happen to be a guy who likes to make videos about crypto projects I'm interested in.

Please don't throw this baby out with the bathwater.

