QUARKCHAIN; A scalable blockchain and sharding platformsteemCreated with Sketch.

in quarkchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

Blockchain have over the years evolved from what it was known to be in 2009 to a force and revolutionary movement to be reckoned with just like the beginning of The renaissance in Florentina and other times embedded in the chronological advancement of technology, adoption of money and the touch of vast possibilities brought within grasp on a platter of blockchain. However it is worthy of note that hurdles have been met, mountains encountered and unsurmountable giants have stood in the path of this great movement in the guise of BLOCKCHAIN this have led to the introduction of measures to level these challenges, with few making impacts and alot yet to be done for the future we only dreamt of. Due to the challenges encountered especially with the issues surrounding adoption mainstream owing to the number of TPS carried our by blockchain platforms as opposed to centralized systems this have posed as an impedance to the adoption by big companies like airbnb, amazon, however, ripple is gradually being adopted by companies like western union and banks in the likes of  santander, unicedit, Bank of America, strandard chartered and many more.

However, there are many more issues lurking and preventing the adoption of blockchain technology on a real life scale use. One of these problem is the issue of scalability and the amount of transactions carried out per second.

The solution to a number of problems the blockchain technology have faced in the past is here and is within reach, no longer dreamt about, and this is quarkchain.


Quarkchain is a blckchain platform that aims at providing transactions per second on a large scale suitable for adoption by large companies and still maintaining a secure system that would be impenetrable by the bad folks lurking the internet.


1. Scalability:

    Quarkchain is a scalable platform like EOS, zilliqa, wanchain, Raiden and many other big names in the crypto-community, however it differs from these ones in the capacity it would operate on. Many of these blockchain systems mentioned above are struggling with carrying out a few 1000 and 100 TPS. Credits that claim to run transactions in hundreds of 1000s/sec have an insecure system built on codings that can be easily decrypted. However, quarkchain offers a secure network with scalable system like never before in the crypto-community. Also, most nodes of blockchain platforms with good TPS offer these at exorbitant rates whereas quarkchain would offer this at cheap rates as multiple nodes. In quakchain's vision she stated that " quarkchain aims to build a seamless platform to support distributed social media, high frequency trading, Internet of Things (IoT), gaming and financial payments. For this I won't be surprised if quarkchain forces blockchain mainstream earlier than expected. This is difinitely big and one everyone is looking forward to.

2. Sharding: 

    This is a type of partitioning of a database that separates very large databases into smaller, faster, more easily managed parts called data shards. Few days ago, I saw a tweet by Vitalik Buterin where he mention "sharding is coming" for the ethereum platform with a github link to the codes.

This takes long time to develop, mostly years of hard work  but quarkchain would develop a 2 layered shard to ensure the system doesn't get slow as the shards increase in the database neither would the cost. Read up the whitepaper for more elaboration on the mind blowing plans.

3. Cross-chain transactions:

     I don't exactly know how this would be implemented, would it be similar to an atomic swap or an interoperable communication platform but this sure sounds amazing and worthy of consideration and I'm looking forward to it and the door it would open for greater exploits in the crypto-community.

4. Mobile decentralized applications:

     The Quarkchain architecture also would support mobile decentralized apps and considering the speed at which they would operate, this would help the mainstream see the need to work with quarkchain to develop applications that run on blockchain. With Dubai looking forward to decentralize the whole system, quarkchain can play a role in other countries looking forward to the benefits of decentralization. 

The team behind the project looks solid by virtue of their experience in the places they have worked before now and this would definitely add to the strides that would be achieved here.

This is one of the project people should not miss out on.

There have been so much hype around quarkchain, Icodrops even rated it "very high", many others call it the 2.0 version of zilliqa and moreso a proof that TPS can run in millions using the blockchain technology and maintaining security with utmost decentralization.

I think it's time we shift attention a bit away from bitcoin and tussle of who maintains bitcoin core to great projects like this that would eventually be the gateway for big names to troop into cryptocurrency and adopt its use.

Facebook if eventually it'd be decentralized would definitely need a superspeed scalable platform as this. Quarkchain is what we have been waiting and even more.


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well articulated. .......keep it up bro 💪