
in question •  7 years ago 

Now that I've gone gluten free, I ask at bars for gluten-free beer because I love beer. I was offered cider at an establishment tonight as they had no gluten-free beer. I accepted and said "yeah, make it a pint."

She recosted me exclaiming "A pint?" giving me a face asking as if I was sure.

I said "yeah", and got my pint.

Anyway Steemit... is it weird to ask for pints of cider? Or should I have been asking for glasses of it like she indicated? Have I British social faux-pas'ed?

A confuded drinkie

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We do pints here in Canada for cider.

I prefer to ask for a bucketfull though!

Lolz i am already imagining you sitting with a jug of cidar, just sitting lmao

I second @sequentialvibe's answer. We have cider on tap here, just like beer, and a half pint or pint is served up the same way. Maybe she just didn't like cider?

You know, I was never a fan of cider (except back in college when sticking a pint between a bunch of beer made for a special kind of drunk.) Lately, with the craft beer movement, there is a whole bunch of craft ciders that are really good. Plus you can put icecubes into them ands not have to feel bad about it.

Gluten free cider is the way!