in questionandanswer •  5 years ago  (edited)

Hello friends, hope you are all doing great. So guys welcome to another episode of #questionandanswer with @bliss11 and I have with me today another wonderful guest. Before I say the guest's name, I will be doing the interview a bit different and hopefully an interesting way today.

Am excited to have with me here today.... drum rolls please..... @xcountytravelers yay!!!

Image used by permission from @xcountytravelers

Where should I start from, @xcountytravelers is actually an account for a couple, although my interview is focused on the sweet woman behind the successful man. As a redfish, meeting and getting to know her is a great pleasure. She is always there to assist in any way possible, especially for beginners. It was the kind heart of her husband and her that brought about the steem terminal group and the hey have ya met project which aims at helping people. Also in assisting and imparting lives here too. Am so glad to have met @xcountytravelers.

Images are provided by my interviewed guest @xcountytravelers

Now to the business of the day....

Image by Josethestoryteller at

What do you think should come first, love or trust?

When I was younger, I felt like love came first. You know, it's the feelings you get when you are dating someone. The touch of the hand, the smile that makes you forget everything, that type of thing. But having lived to be 52 years old, I have found those are just feelings. You have to be able to trust the person with your life. If you cannot trust them to truly respect you and be 100% truthful (no matter how much truth can hurt) with you, it will never really be love.

BLISS: Hmmm... I get confused about this most times. It seems tricky to me but with what you just said I couldn't agree more.

XCOUNTYTRAVELERS: It can be confusing. The heart is about feelings, the head is about sense. I am a feeler and hate to hurt people's feelings. I have to force myself to stop and think. It's the same with "love". It is easy to FALL IN LOVE, it is difficult to STAY IN LOVE when there are rough times. Love is a verb, a decision. Honesty is the best way to show it.

BLISS: Thanks for clarifying this

What makes a good life for you?

A good life for me is being able to travel, create art, and spending time with my family. I have always had itchy feet and never been able to be in the same place for longer than a couple of years. I like to be on the move seeing amazing places and meeting new people. If I can do that and do my embroidery, I am very happy. The fact that I get to do this with my husband and my Grand Georges and their parents is a huge bonus for me.

BLISS: Wow got to explore.

XCOUNTYTRAVELERS: That is why we are trying to see all the counties in the US. It enables us to see as much of the place we live as possible in a way most people never get to see it.

BLISS: Yes that's true; now to the next question....

How do you relax from the stress of the day?

Usually it is being in my chair with the Chihuahua on my lap while I do hand embroidery. There is something almost meditative about it for me.

BLISS: That's a simple one hahaha

XCOUNTYTRAVELERS: If I can do it while we are camping, even better.

If you can make a rule for everyone to follow, what would it be?

Oh, wow. That is even easier than the previous question. Treat others better than you want to be treated. I feel like if we did that, then there would be a lot less hatred. My parents taught me this. They treated each other as if they were the most important person on earth. But I also saw both of them treat others better than they treated themselves.

BLISS: In the world we are in.... do you think that's possible?

XCOUNTYTRAVELERS: I don't know really. All we can do is what we are able to do. I think if each person did this, it would happen, but it will take a while to see it happen because so many people were taught otherwise. Does that make sense. Change starts at home with "you" Only "you".

BLISS: Different persons with different perspectives

XCOUNTYTRAVELERS: Definitely. That is one reason people are so wonderful (for the most part). I have not actually met horrible people. I have always met people who were happy to share their lives and what they had. Scott says I see myself in others and that is what brings it out in them. I just try to see the best in them.


XCOUNTYTRAVELERS: It's where that trust comes in.

BLISS: You choose to see the best in people

XCOUNTYTRAVELERS: ha! yes, I do. It is really hard to see the worst. It's why I am able to give people too many chances to do the right thing.

BLISS: That's a great way... if you don't get to meet the crazy ones. I respect your view on this. To the next question....

If you are to eat just one food for a year, what would it be?

That is one of the hardest questions!!!!! Seriously. I LOVE FOOD!!!!
Can I say, My daughter's cooking? Would that count?haha

BLISS: Hahahahahaha!!!! You have to pick one particular food.

XCOUNTYTRAVELERS: My daughter is a le Cordon Blu chef. Well, would Crack Slaw work? It's a bag of salad mix with meat mixed in.

BLISS: Ah! She must be a good cook

Click on the link for more info on food.... CrackSlaw

XCOUNTYTRAVELER: Oh, she can open a fridge and pull out assorted leftovers and create the best food. I wish I had that magic power. Should have gone to le Cordon Blu instead of the Royal School of Needlework. haha

BLISS: Hahahahaha
So it is crack both are great in your different specialization.

Tell us about an event you considered to be a miracle in your life?

I was going through a very bad bout of depression about 23 years ago and it was because of becoming suicidal"

because suicidal. It was a really bad time. I had lost my then husband in a car accident and his family was horribly nasty to me. They blamed me for the loss of their son and tried to convince the police I had done something to the car. Truth was, he was driving too fast on an icy road and wasn't paying attention.

I packed up my three young children and went back to Tulsa to stay with my parents and things just didn't get much better.

I couldn't find a job and it was winter so the depression and grief was horrible. One night I decided I was a total failure and causing my family to having nothing but a bad life with me in it.

That night I left the house not thinking I would be back. I sat for hours watching the trains fly by and decided that would be the way to end it. No pain, just swift death. The trains in that area were being computer controlled so no one to stop if they saw me on the track. At 2:50 in the morning I heard a train coming so I laid down on the track and waited.

It came closer and closer and suddenly I felt the air rush pass me and I look up and it was not on the track ALL THE OTHER TRAINS HAD BEEN RUNNING ON.

I honestly believe with my whole heart that at the most important moment, the track was changed, but I have no idea by who.

Yes, very. It is why I was so scared when I went through this last bout of depression. I had the same mindset. Not to kill myself, but to leave so I didn't cause issues for my family and friends.

Sorry. It was a miracle because the track that the train ended up on was one that had not been used in 60 years and was not in good shape.

BLISS: Wow! That was a sure miracle, I got sacred there for moment. Am glad for that miracle.

What is your most prized asset?

Image provided by my interviewed guest @xcountytravelers

Image provided by my interviewed guest @xcountytravelers

This was my father's pocket protector while he was alive. He wore it even after he retired from Zebco.

The ruler was the one I played with when I was a little girl and he would come home from work. The handwritten paper are the directions to the homestead he grew up in. That was the only thing I asked for when he passed away.

What lesson would you want others to learn from?

Before judging someone, you have to completely understand what they have gone through. They could seem like the most steadfast person who is confident and able to deal with anything, but they may not be. They maybe dealing with depression, grief, bullied past, any number of issues and still seem like they are on top of the world.

You have be willing to allow yourself the time to know others if you plan to judge them.

I have made decisions about others that were harsh because of the way they acted or talked, only to find out they had a horrible life in the current or past. Those times can turn a person into what we think is an ugly human. When in reality, they are afraid of being hurt so they hurt others first. It is amazing what a little kindness will do for others.

What is your favorite get away place?

I would have to say in the mountains. We don't have many in Oklahoma, but we tend to go where there are mountains like the Ozarks and/or the Ouachita's along the Oklahoma/Arkansas border. We are planning to move toward the Sierra Nevadas along the California/Nevada border in a couple of months because of the mountains. There is something about climbing towards the top through the trees and seeing how truly massive the world is.

What is your motto?

Image used by permission from @xcountytravelers

I was in the Medieval Recreation Society called the Society for Creative Anachronists. I have a Coat of Arms and motto that is only recognized through the SCA, but I have both.

The motto is Eam Im 'cute quod suus' a bonus res. That is latin for....It's a good thing I'm cute.

This is my coat of arms......"Xoar of arms".

I tend to become very curious and I often cause mischief along the way. My mother would look at my dad and say, "It's a good thing she is cute.

Image provided by my interviewed guest @xcountytravelers

Wow! What an awesome time with @xcountytravelers, I enjoyed every bit of the interview....hope you all enjoyed the the read. It was not only an interesting one but a motivational and thoughtful one. The behind the scenes was great, I got to know about her in a fun way. She is a lovely person who puts smiles on the faces of others. Am so honoured to have met such a person. A big thank you to @xcountytravelers for joining me here on today's episode, you made the episode!

So sad but I have to draw the curtains here, if you have someone you want to see here on subsequent episodes then send in your nominations...or if you have questions for the guest then feel free to drop your questions.

Thanks for reading and following up on the episodes, I remain... Bliss.

Image from: Bitmoji

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This was an outstanding story telling interview and all as we know ren , great job AGAIN

Thank you @brittandjosie, am glad you enjoined the read. Have a lovely day. 😘

What, what a great job. So enjoued our time together. Thank you.

Oh hi @rubberdukiemom, never knew you had another account. Thank you for the great time, it is much appreciated. Have a lovely day. 🤗😘

That was a great interview. I know a great deal more about Ren now! Thank you for doing these interview posts as they are very interesting and help us to get to know our fellow Steemians better.

I am glad this post was shared with all of us on PYPT!

Thank you so much @sgt-dan, you know who is next right hahaha!! Thanks for dropping by.☺

Another great interview! Well done!

Thank you so much, I appreciate you dropping by. 😃

I loved reading this! It is a great way to get to learn about other Steemians, Nicely done, @Bliss11!

Thank you @melinda010100. 😃