I have no problem admitting it. There is so much I don't know. The knowledge I seek is outweighed a million to one compared to the information I already understand. I bring this up because of some seriously great conversations I've had with my dad over the past week. For some context, my dad just turned 75. He was 44 when I was born, which I think lends more to his old school mentality and thought process.
Since I abandoned the political process years ago, our conversations have gone from heated arguments at the beginning, to now, where we have solid dialogue with a goal at the end...the truth.
A lot of his questions to me focus on "Ok, then what happened?! And if you can't tell me, then you're wrong."
These most recent conversations have revolved around 9/11. He brought it up when I went to visit him the other day. He believes the 9/11 commission report. Essentially, he believes the governments version of events. I do not.
He got his information from MSM, FOX to be exact (that's not to say ABC, NBC, and others don't repeat the same story albeit with a different twist). And before I go any further, this isn't a diss to conservatives, nor is it a diss to liberals. It's a diss to anyone who blindly believes whatever the talking heads tell them. When you don't do your own research, you're setting yourself up for being lied to and therefore you end up holding some pretty bad ideas and beliefs.
With all the hatred my dad has towards the government, he still believes that they are benevolent. That they would never do anything to hurt the people they say they protect, American citizens. So I asked hims some questions. Let me know how you would have answered them.
Do you know what a 'false flag' is?
Have you heard of the 'Gulf of Tonkin' incident?
Have you heard of 'Operation Northwoods'?
Why did NIST not look for proof of explosives?
How did building 7 fall (it wasn't hit by a plane)?
His answers were concerning, but not surprising. No, no, no, they didn't need to, and something along the lines of 'the steel was compromised'.
After pulling up articles stating how false flags work, and the declassified (government, mind you) paperwork detailing the GoT and ON, he was in disbelief. Couldn't, and wouldn't believe it. The fact that the government would kill it's own people, simply for a reason to attack another country, was incomprehensible to him.
The holes I was putting through his belief in the commission report led him to ask me questions.
How could they wire up the buildings? Too many people would notice them doing that. Not possible!
Too many people would have had to be in on it, why hasn't someone leaked it by now?!
Valid questions. Questions I don't have the answers to. Sadly though, because I lack these answers, somehow all the other evidence and coincidences go out the window. It's like "if you can't tell me exactly how it happened, then the governments version is correct, regardless of all your science and facts!"
Same goes for how anarchy would work. Since I can't explain in fine detail how society would function, it's therefore not possible. I am not a central planner, so I cannot tell anyone how it would all work. Just that the free-market would do a much better job than the government can.
So while I still have a ways to go for my dad to finally see the writing on the wall, I did catch him a few times staring upwards, wheels turning on over drive, cognitive dissonance running rampant....."how can what he's saying be true?!?!!!" It reminds me now of golem/smeagal from LOTR. I can see him getting it, until smeagal takes over and all of a sudden it's all about who will build the roads.
It's fun to get to hang with my dad as much as I do, and even better to see him giving me the unmistakable look of thinking, instead of being spoon fed the MSM's propaganda.
Have you asked yourself tough questions before?
Are you looking for confirmation bias when you research something? Or are you looking for the truth?, regardless how much hurt & betrayal you might feel when you find the answers.
Again, let me know how you would have answered the questions I asked my dad. Feel free to share whose side you're on regarding this matter. Do you believe the 9/11 report? Or something else?
Thanks for reading. Steem on.