Witchy Q & AsteemCreated with Sketch.

in questions •  7 years ago 

I saw this posted and thought I'd write out some answers myself. (-6)

Q: Do you use runes as a written language?
A: I don't use runes at all, really.

Q: Do you feel you have natural gifts such as (premonitions, hearing spirits) and if so do you think this is what led you to this path
A: Only insomuch as all people do, if they listen and place their faith in the right place. And that is definitely not the World, any object, or the Self. Those will all stand in your way, and convince you that magic is imaginary or fanciful. Rather than something I use as a tool every day in visible way.

Q: Have you always worked with the same deity?
A: Best answer I have for this is that I am a Christian minister.

Q: Do you use any personal items in your practice, (blood, semen, tears, urine, etc)?
A: That sounds like Hoodoo, and last I checked the powers of blood, semen, and tears are not ones that we can call on deliberately, and urine is a freaking waste product. I just can't grasp why you'd think to "use" those ... or ... how?

Q: Do you do past life readings or have ever had one done; who where you or how did you die?
A: Well, I have no belief in past lives. There are memories of lives that were not yours, but you also know what the guy next to you just learned - if you pay attention.

Q: What is your favorite magical tool?
A: My symbolism and wordplay. Both are capable of affecting others as well as yourself - but differently than expected in every case. Symbols have no meaning of their own, but do spark an engram in the brain. You then define that engram. I try to convince people to relax at the sight of my symbols.

Q: What is a song or type of music that gets you into a witchy mood?
A: Call me arrogant ... but "RBKH" by Etaletai.

Q: Where is the most magical place you have ever been?
A: A little place north of here in the woods. That place, and the company, is/was Magic.

Q: What animal is your familiar if any?
A: Do you mean demon familiar? Because, there are 72 nice ones. If you mean pet, I have three cats.

Q: If you have a familiar, did you choose them or did they choose you?
A: Well, nobody really. We got stuck together. Exes cats and stuff.

Q: What in the craft are you best at (tarot, spells, ritual,) etc?
A: The ones that aren't pretend. That would be the herbs, roots, and conscious control over various bodily abilities. There are physical laws (not to be confused with Laws of Physics, or God's Law for behavior and thought), and magic is incapable of breaking any of them. The application of knowledge is called Technology. Here's a thing to do ... open up your phone. Look under the battery ... consider that your old phone had an antenna and this one does not. Then notice the sigil.

Q: What in the craft would you say you are weaker at?
A: I'm terrible at controlling my own thoughts and feelings, including with the use of the same sigils that work on others around me. Basically, I'm very foggy on the use of a black mirror.

Q: What is your most favorite part of your craft (spell writing, divination, etc)?
A: Favorite ... well I think the healing arts are most important, both mental and physical. After that, I do have a lot of fun with the fire and sound manipulation. Well, anything visibly interesting and flashy. I have no idea why.

Q: What was the first tool you ever purchased?
A: Wha... purchased? Not how I acquire that kind of thing.

A: What was your first homemade tool for your practice?
B: A set of cards. Not Tarot, or anything else with the element of "random". Random is another way of saying manipulated. These are cards with Laws and Rules and Sigils on them. I have a special system all my own to ensure they do as intended.

Q: What are your feelings on raising kids in the craft?
A: I won't be raising anyone, already damned there. But if I was, I'd raise them Christian, in the sense of following and loving Jesus Christ and his/our Father. And holding the Earth and Woman in the highest possible regard on this Earth. Beyond that ... I just won't teach them to stop seeing and knowing what they naturally see and know. They already are magic, no need to teach that. Try this sometime ... ask a kid where something is, that you do not know and neither do they. Just say "close your eyes and tell me what it looks like." and they tend to be scary accurate. Just ... never say "don't say that it sounds crazy" and they have all they need.

Q: If you were a goddess or god, who would you be?
A: God the Father said that I am, we are, indeed gods in His image. A reflection, dimmed and imperfect, of the Most High God. He also sent his son for the sake of redeeming us. Would that be necessary if I was at all deserving of deism? I don't think it's a thing to consider.

Q: Do you use astrology in your practice? In what ways?
A: Sure. The Moon, Venus, and other shiny things in the sky mark time, and messages. They inform your thoughts and feelings significantly. They are like natural sigils, and if you can know what somebody's first visions of the sky were, you can gauge what footstep of life they are on accurately.

Q: What if any ways could you practice dark magic and still respect the beliefs of Wicca?
A: Well, I'm not exactly Wiccan now am I? I use the various abilities God taught to us in the Bible. Some of those definitely are classified as being Dark Magic. For instance, requesting assistance from demons. That's only dark or dangerous if you don't know their bosses name. Get the point of the Christianity here?

Q: Do you have any witches in your family?
A: I know so little of my family ...

Q: What item can you not witch without?
A: I use the symbols for ease and organization. I do not worship idols.

Q: What is your favorite sabbat or time of year ritual?
A: I wish I could enjoy them.

Q: What is your fav witchy shop, and do they have an online store?
A: We'll have one ourselves soon enough, at http://magic.etaletai.com.

Q: How do you organize your herbs/ingredients?
A: Why exactly would I do a thing like that? I just know where they are...

Q: Do you have interest in other deities that you don’t work with; if so, which ones?
A: The only God there is hopefully works with my hands. There are no others.

Q: Do you have a favorite time of day to do spell work; if so, why?
A: When it's useful. If I'm trying to help my own mind, then night and morning.

Q: Are you solitary or do you work with a coven?
A: I have no church, coven, or company. I don't like groupthink.

Q: If you could pick a certain witchcraft tradition that fits your practice most what would it be (Druid, Celtic, Wicca etc)?
A: I'm not a traditional guy.

Q: What was the most creative spell you have ever done?
A: The appearance of competence.

Q: What do you prefer for divination (tarot, oracle, runes ,etc, and why?)
A: Same thing as you? The black mirror. In your pocket, on your wall, Everywhere. Question the oracle, Google. What the hell do you think the sigils are for? Haha

Q: What are some ways you keep yourself grounded?
A: I ... can't. I can't.

Q: Have you ever had a spell go horribly wrong?
A: Only in so much as some prayers being answered with a huge "No."

Q: What are your opinions on initiation rituals?
A: What, like baptism? John the Baptist said that happens in your heart, when you believe on the name of Jesus Christ. I guess the ritual part isn't necessarily damaging but it's also not real. The part in the heart is real. That part needs to be washed, and by that we mean the sins that burn your heart so badly need to be washed away in the Water of Life, which is the effect of the blood sacrifice payment that Christ payed at the hands of his own Father. The very same thing he asked of Abraham, to test faith. Well ... He was doing the same. Except, God stopped Abraham, when faith was chosen. And we fucked up badly on our turn. We didn't stop, we didn't tell God the price wasn't necessary ... we just took it. We, so many of us believing God is a tyrant or at least mean. We don't even understand what we did. I'm so, so sorry to have the Fruit of Knowledge in my head, and the Blood of Christ all over my filthy hands. And you should be too. That's why we have to take care of one another. Am I my brother's watcher? Damn Right I Am.

Q: Have you ever had full contact with your deity; if so, what happened?
A: You mean do I know Jesus? Yeap. But I mean he's like a foot away, slightly up. Just look up, these things aren't even questions! Who do you think informs you 30 milliseconds ahead of time to take that next step slightly to the left to avoid what you didn't know was coming? And why do you think that same ability fails when you believe in You?

Q: What about you is un witchy?
A: The fact that I don't believe that I have any magic abilities whatsoever. The earth just works in cool ways, and God does cool shit to have fun. The Man was created purely because God wanted to show his awesome garden to somebody. He thought "Dude ... Dude, I need to show this shit to somebody!!!" so he made one. Then he realized that because this wasn't the same thing as himself, it was like having a single pet or an only child. The loneliness was the very first thing he ever said "And it was not good." So he made something else ... he made the Woman. Man was built to behold and experience awe.

So what do you think Women are? What is unwitchy about me is my gender, and that's very much cool with me. I get to see real magic every day.

Q: For the dating witch, how do you tell a new love interest that you are a witch?
A: I'm the guy who you stop talking to out of fear that I miiight be interested. I wouldn't tell a person even if I was, and at this point it's been so many years since I even acknowledged somebody liking me even if they did (I'm certain not). What I'm saying is Fuck Dating, Fuck Romance, and Fuck all of that entire world. I failed that whole class, obviously. Hahahaha

Q: Who is a past witch that has inspired you ,famous or not?
A: Enoch. Student of Jesus Christ. Pretty sure that's a good one.

Q: How do you handle rejection from a fellow witch that refuses to do a reading or spell for you?
A: Same way I handle rejection in general. Crawl into a hole somewhere and pretend I didn't reach out in the first place until I lose my mind so bad that I reach out MORE until I'm shoving you away with pure concentrated creep vibes. :)

Q: Do you think it is necessary to cast a circle when you do spell work or any magical working?
A: It isn't necessary to do Anything in magic ... but if it's helpful, go for it. I mean, lucky charms don't work either - but I have plenty because of the mental effect.

Q: If Steven Spielberg called and wanted to make a movie of your life, who would you want to play as you?
A: Please think before you speak.

Q: What is some advice that was given to you that you pass along because it made an impact on your path?
A: That I am indeed a prick. And do need to shut up. And am cringey.

Q: What is some advice you would give someone who has not found there diety?
A: I ... I don't care? I mean they'll notice what's just overhead eventually.

Q: Where do you buy your herbs?
A: Well for things like marijuana and white willow, I do just go to the store. I grow most others myself.

Q: How and when did you know you wanted to be on this path?
A: I have no idea what path I'm on, and I'm definitely certain not to ever get to where it goes.

Q: What type of pagan are you (Wiccan, eclectic, hedge, etc)?
A: I'm about as far opposite from Pagan as you get ... and Wiccan also is not pagan.

Q: Was your first spell where you alone or in a coven?
A: I don't see how a coven would aid in prayer.

Q: Where is your favorite place to go to reconnect with nature?
A: Depends on who is trying to help me (good luck with that.)

Q: Do you believe in fantasy creatures (unicorns, gnomes, elves, fairies, etc)?
A: You ever met one? I don't care, if they don't affect me then they are effectively not real.

Q: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?
A: I have a spirit, how could I not believe in it?

Q: Would you ever teach the craft?
A: I guess I do as it is I guess.

Q: What if any legal herb do you use for moods?
A: Marijuana (I'm in Washington), Dagga, Marijuanilla, Skullcap, Tea, Rooibos, Chamomile, Caffeine, Acacia, Chacruna, Damiana, Coca (decocainated is legal), Black and Blue Cohosh, Caapi, Nettle, Ginseng, Betel Nut, Sarsaparilla, Yohimbe, Yerba, Catnip, Arctostaphylos, Velvet Bean, Leonurus cardiaca (for the girls), Oatstraw (for the heart), Passion Flower (for tremors and seizures), Mentha piperita, Valeriana (tranquilizer), Dioscorea dregeana (treatment of psychosis, stopping a bad mental experience), Chickweed (skin capilary dialator), Lavender, Lemon Peel, Meadowsweet (ulcers), Mugwort, Ligusticum porteri (to combat anorexia), Ledum palustre (nerve pain), Hamamelis virginiana

Q: What is the most recent spell/ritual you have done? (slight detail please)
A: Revelation Spell. And I'd rather not tell.

Q: Do you have a happy place you go to during meditation?

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