4 questions that you should NOT ask a woman who has recently become a mother

in questions •  7 years ago 

  1. What are you doing all day? This question can only be asked by a person who has no children. Perhaps you secretly envy that you stay at home all day and have no business, sip your tea and polish your toenails in the rainbow colors ... At the same time, you can not honestly answer every meal, every change of diapers, washing clothes, washing tons of bottles, bottles, teats, and the like, just because you will just bore to the death of your interlocutor who was imprudent to ask such a ridiculous question. The worst is when the other party thinks that raising a child is not much and is not a real "job."

  2. Do you want me to look at the child? When asked by the father of the child, the question reads, "If you want me, I'll do for a baby's nurse for a while, because you're kind of tired" ... No, we do not need babies, but responsible dads. At least, your daddy does not take you 10 leva per hour for this service. But it is maddening that there are fathers who think they are "doing" their wives' service when they look at their own children. So let's make it clear - dear dads, that's part of your duties, not charity work.

  3. Do you sleep enough? A question asked by ... totally inadequate people! First, no, mothers do not sleep enough unless they have several babies and servants, but most of us are not princesses, so the answer is simply "no." Secondly, there is no such thing as not to ruin a woman who has recently become a mother, so be prepared to take a sour look, a curse, or a death threat.

  4. You look great for a woman who just gave birth Yes, this is not really a question, but such comments are pretty maddening. Still, to have a baby in you for 9 months and then to endure the difficult birth, is not classified as an embellishment procedure. So we know we do not look perfect. If you still want to compliment us, try "You look very good / awesome / great" and forget about the slightly unclear explanation "for a woman who just gave birth."

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