Quote of the Day - The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. (Ayn Rand)

in quote •  3 years ago 

What perspective do you have on life? Are people around you hindering you from doing what you want to do? Are you following the limitations on your life placed by others? Are you deciding for yourself what will be possible for you to do and what isn't possible?

Last week, I wrote about the fact that we are to decide for ourselves where we are going, and not let other people decide and limit us. We are not victims unless we decide to look upon ourselves as victims.


Who is driving the car?

I know a married couple where one of them always blames the other for not daring to drive their car. The other one has been suppressing the person for a long time, and now she lacks faith in the fact that she can drive. What has happened? She has taken on the role of a victim and she has let others decide for her what she is capable of (and not). It is all stupidity, because I do know that the person is well capable of driving, but if you listen to others too long and then take hold of the thoughts yourself, then you will end up believing it, and you will be limited by the same thoughts.

If that is you, get rid of those limitations. Don't let others tell you what you can do, but do what you are created to do. And when that is happening, the question isn't who is going to let you do something, it is who will stop you!

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