#Sunday Quote

in quote •  7 years ago 

"Just because we are small doesn't mean we can't do big things."

A few years ago something incredible happened to me.

As I was moving boxes my daughter walked into my home office and right away offered to help. Before I could say anything she picked up a box. Out of all the boxes that were on the floor she chose a rather large one. Naturally I tried to stop her. She was only 6 at the time. Then she paused and said "Just because I am small does not mean I can't do big things." Guess what? She managed to lift it up without any difficulty.

I just read something this morning that reminded me of that beautiful teaching moment.

There is a Super Man or Super Woman within all of us. Size doesn't mean anything. The only thing that matters is our Faith in the Greatness within and our Faith to move mountains and permanently cast them into the sea. When we believe we can we are halfway there.

Happy Sunday Everyone. Much love from Toronto

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