Quote of the Day/ Zitat des Tages #122 ENG/DEU

in quote •  6 years ago 

The slowest, who does not lose sight of his goal, still walks faster than the fastest, who wanders around without goal.

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing was an important poet of the German Enlightenment.
He showed the further development of theatre an essential way through his writings, which were influenced by the idea of tolerance. They also had a lasting influence on the public perception of literature.
His plays are still performed in theatres today. This is not least due to the fact that they are influenced by the idea of freedom, while the French model of his time had the influence of ecclesiastical dogma.
He also advocated that the bourgeoisie should free itself from the patronage of the nobility.
But his pursuit of independence in his literary career was difficult to reconcile with the economic constraints of the time.

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Der Langsamste, der sein Ziel nicht aus den Augen verliert, geht immer noch geschwinder als der Schnellste, der ohne Ziel umherirrt.

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing war ein bedeutender Dichter der deutschen Aufklärung.
Er wies der weiteren Entwicklung des Theaters einen wesentlichen Weg durch seine durch den Toleranzgedanken geprägten Schriften. Auch prägten diese die öffentliche Wahrnehmung von Literatur dauerhaft.
Noch heute werden seine Stücke in Theatern aufgeführt. Dies liegt nicht zuletzt daran, dass sie vom Gedanken der Freiheit geprägt sind, während das französische Vorbild seiner Zeit die Prägung des kirchlichen Dogmas hatte.
Ebenfalls setzte er sich dafür ein, dass das Bürgertum sich von der Bevormundung des Adels befreien solle.
Doch sein streben nach Unabhängigkeit in seiner schriftstellerischen Karriere war nur schwer mit den ökonomischen Zwängen der damaligen Zeit zu vereinbaren.

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Excellent blog post friend.

Thank you very much, my friend.

Wow amazing post friend.

Thank you very much, my friend.

Great job friend thanks a lot for sharing.

Thanks a lot for reading.

Excellent quote by German writer, and excellent presentation, wonderful life story on Garman writer and love your style friend positivertag

Thank you so much, my friend. Have a nice day.

I am very glad to read your posts again have a great day friend.

Thank you so much, my friend.

Well said friend, Slow and steady win the race

Thank you very much, mate.

its always a great feeling to read your blogs.

Thank you very much, my friend.

Great message and wonderful story.

Thank you very much.

Keep posting friend have a lovely day.

Thank you, mate. Have a great day, too.

This quote is awesome i like it,thanks for your support.

Thank you very much.