"The only end to what one wants to become or achieve in life is the start"-Samuel Isongs(@profsam)..
"you want success??..think about a long-term plan and take the risk" -Samuel Isongs(@profsam)..
"No matter how swift a cheetah is...a lion can still take a shot by browbeating its target, so in essence, the prerequisite to every success is "focus" to hit the target"-Samuel Isongs(@profsam)..
"readers"are not "leaders" but "practical readers" are "leaders".- Samuel Isongs(@profsam)..
"The words "success" and "failure" have pragmatically various meanings but here is mine.."failure" is having excuses to give and whom to blame for any mistaken action but "success" isn't" -Samuel Isongs(@profsam)..
"One thing that should spur one to greatness is that an eagle does not just fly high,..it soars.... Samuel Isongs(@profsam)..
"The secret of going forward is getting started" -Samuel Isongs(@profsam)..
"The future is created by what you do today, so try to envisage your future and start working on it now before it's too late" -Samuel Isongs(@profsam)..
"A meaningful silence is always better than meaningless words "-Samuel Isongs(@profsam)..
"Being the second at anything you do is just being the 1st on the list of losers so friends why not rather be the 1st @ anything "-Samuel Isongs(@profsam)...
"Your smallest attempt towards your goals in life are far better than your greatest intentions towards them"-Samuel Isongs(@profsam)..