“Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses. Focus on your character, not your reputation. Focus on your blessings, not your misfortunes.” ― Roy T. Bennett
If you dig deep into the meaning of focus as related to your success, you will always find it in different dimension. In a race competition, you are already a loser if you live your track for someone else. What is your business with someone affair, if you are yet to get yours right. That is by the way.
Aristotle Onassis says, “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” Yes, I don’t know why you have to withdraw at the time you are suppose to keep on. It is when things get tough that you have to resolve to never give up. It is the best time to focus and refocus in other to win over the challenges. “Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer” says Denis Waitley.
“It is wise to direct your anger towards problems - not people; to focus your energies on answers - not excuses.”- William Arthur Ward. When things went wrong, people always have someone and something to be the cause. They have one excuses or another to justify their failure instead of focusing on finding solution to the problem.
It is what you focus on that work, not only work but also grow. The stronger the strength of your focus the better, it counts whether you count it or not. If you focus on being the best, in no time the best things come your way. With the law of attraction, you attract to yourself what you focus on.
Thanks for taking time to read to the end. If you enjoy the, you may also love to read to read past edition of Achievers Wisdom;
Achievers Wisdom #030: Who Win at Last? You or the Problem (Challenges)?!
Achievers Wisdom #30: Great Goals Alway Shape Your Thoughts!
Achivers Wisdom #028: When You Seems to be Unhappy, Stretch Your Hand to Help!
Keep dreaming but most importantly, dream big. It will one day very soon come true.
Never give up.