❇️ Quote of the Day #316: Prepare Today Enjoy Tomorrow! 🙌

in quoteoftheday •  7 years ago 

Stick to the plan!

Getting somewhere that you want to be requires a determination like no other. Preparation and action are a necessity. Just staying busy and getting things done isn’t always enough, the stuff you do must have a specific purpose and every single task must have its place in the grand scheme of things.

Always strive to stay a step ahead and give it all you got. The hard days, the long hours, the mishaps and the victories will all be wrapped up in one big enchilada of the hustle. Make every decision and choice you implement, mean something worthwhile, or don’t do it.

Prepare today enjoy tomorrow in all that you do. Set the stage and rock out hardcore. Nothing comes for nothing, build up your momentum and take it to the top, you already have all that you need and then some.

Did you like today’s quote? Consider an UPVOTE or a RESTEEM, that’d be cool!

Check out yesterday’s “Quote of the Day #315” if you haven’t already done so.

Keep the focus!

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Great post friend I always love your post

I really appreciate that @ambabbitt, thanks! :)