What is The Holy Quran? Why do Muslims Read it? Is it a Miracle Book? Is it Islam's Main Source?

in quran •  7 years ago 

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What is the Holy Quran?

The faith of Islam states that God revealed His Wisdom, Laws, and Instructions through his final Book, the Holy Quran. The Quran states that in every age, a book is revealed. God has sent forth a number of books in the past; but the last and final revelation is the Glorious Quran, which was revealed to the last and final Prophet, Muhammad.
All Revelations preceding the Holy Quran were sent only to a particular group of people and pertained to a certain time period. Yet the final and ultimate revelation, the Quran, was not revealed for only a particular group of people-such as Muslims or Arabs--but for all of mankind, until the end of time. A Book of guidance intended not only for the people of his era, but for all generations to come.
The Holy Quran, sometimes spelled Koran, is the verbatim word of God. Logically speaking, the book embodies and represents God's wishes to send a Message to all of humanity; one meant to be followed till the Day of Judgement and shielded from any changes, subtractions or additions.

Unlike other sacred scriptures like the Bible, the Quran has been perfectly preserved in both its words and meaning--and in a language that still exists today. Whereas Muslims believe that the original Bible was sent from God to Prophet Jesus for the Israelites, Muslims, as well as Biblical scholars acknowledge that the Bible was not written by God or Jesus himself. Christian Scholars acknowledge that the Bible has been altered, distorted, and modified during the last centuries, so that it contains words of man and not the Divine Being. These scholars agree, specifically, that the Bible was altered after the departure of Jesus. God warns in the Quran:

"So woe to those who write the "scripture" with their own hands, then say, "This is from Allah," in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn" (Quran 2:79)

Christian sects do not agree on what exactly qualifies an 'inspired book' of God. The Protestants are taught that 66 truly inspired books constitute the Bible, whereas the Catholics have been taught about the existence of 73 truly 'inspired books'. In fact, the first Christians for many generations did not follow either the 66 books of the Protestants, nor the 73 books of the Catholics.

Whereas the Holy Quran confirms the existence of the books that were sent before it, including the Jewish Torah and the Gospels of Jesus, The Quran abrogates all previous scriptures and becomes the Book of guidance for all humankind. The Quran states that previous Revelations were altered by human hands. The original Bible and the Jewish Torah of today, as they are published, do not consist of their exact original scriptures in their pure and unfettered form.

The Quran is a living miracle of the Arabic language; it is inimitable in its style, form and spiritual impact. The Quran was revealed to guide humanity through every aspect of their lives. The Quran is a guide, an instructional manual on how one's life should be lived.

The Quran is also a personal guidance book that will navigate one throughout the course of his or her daily struggles. Just as, when you buy a computer or any electronic device, it comes with an instructional manual dictating how the machine should be operated. One is advised to read the instructional manual of life, The Quran, and live in the way that our creator has decreed. How would man know his role and the purpose of his existence, unless he receives clear and practical instructions regarding what God wants from him? If one follows the instructions carefully, then he shall be rewarded with a better life; here in this world, and in the Hereafter. On the other hand, if you disobey God and go against His....

Read the rest of the article on: http://www.thesincereseeker.com/what-is-the-holy-quran/).

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