Photo Friday - Càmara 🏵️

in qurator •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hello my dearest stemians! I hope you are having the nicest of days, and I wish you all a wonderful week!

I wasn't having the best of weekends- that's a part of being a person with mood swings, but I decided to do something about it and try to make it better.

I took my camera and a macro lens and went to my backyard, see if I could find anything colorful or small, because those two things usually are synonyms of cute. This is what I found:

DSC_0610-01-01 I advise opening in full size.

It's a very common little flower that often grows in tropical places, it's called Lantana camara and it's common names are "càmara", "big-sage", or "West Indian lantana", here in my country, we usually call it "cariaquillo" or "cariaquito morado".

I just kinda love the fact that "càmara" sounds like "camera" in Spanish! 🏵

These herbs are useful as they work as bug repellent; they don't smell like anything to me (a human) and aren't harmful to mammals, but I guess mosquitoes and flies have a different opinion, so they aren't only cute but also have a nice function other than decoration.


Something curious about this cute little flower is that it changes colors with time; some people know them as "the flower of the seven changes".

I took these pictures last Saturday and yesterday I saw the white and yellow colored flowers turned lilac as the flowers below them- sadly I wasn't able to take any pictures of that.

These plants also have a berry that turns from green to dark purple, and if you ever see them don't eat them- they're not like highly poisonous or anything but they won't do you any good.


This mini photoshoot really succeeded at making me feel better, so I decided to make this my entry for @qurator's Photo Friday photography competition. I hope you appreciate these pictures as much as I did :)

Photographed by @mariacaffrey, using Nikon D3400 and AF Nikkor 35-55mm (ft. XIT macro lens), with F4.8, ISO 400, 1/160s, processed with Snapseed.


Images above belong to me, all rights reserved.

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