Jean de Crèvecoeur’s 1782 Letters from an American Farmer:
"He is an American, who leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced. . . Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men."
But what has happened in recent decades is that certain people are running around telling one group, "Hey, those Americans with lighter skin really don't like you and never have," and praising that group for "fighting back" against "whiteness." In reality the tale-bearers are making up lies and constantly dragging up the past--right in our universities. So now the other side (the lighter-skinned side who is tired of being lied about) has called b.s. and has had to band together to try to stop or deal with the division because they are now under direct attack right in the universities. Some have even figured out who the tale-bearers are, and are speaking out against them directly for all the trouble they are trying to stir up. For this they are called "anti-semites" and "racists." At this late stage in this ridiculous game many have also figured out that these slanderous names mean absolutely nothing, and have had the courage to speak the truth regardless of what b.s. names they are called. The yearning in the hearts of many who are called these names is actually exactly what Crevecoeur stated: that all citizens of the United States be "melted into a new race of men." A "race" of men and women who stand for freedom for all, and are united by THAT vision. But the Left is against that. Which is why the Left is losing. The Left has underestimated the intelligence and the hearts of the mass of Americans. We have seen their game, and are refusing to play by their crooked rules.