That the number of mixed-race marriages and the number of bi-racial (and, multi-generational multi-racial) children is rising significantly in America and the world, is very inconvenient for identity-politics and race-based political agendas. Such agendas risk alienating all those mixed race people. Come to think of it, who among us is not mixed-race to some degree?
One wonders how it is possible to assert that gender is a non-binary phenomenon while race distinctions are non-arbitrary. In fact, indefensible arbitrary distinctions are being thrust upon us. That paragon of black identity, Barak Obama, is every bit as white as he is black. What qualifies him as a spokesman for blackness? Is it the drop of black genetics in his blood? So this is a kind of genetic racism? Does he not evince even an ounce of "white privilege" from his white mother?
Are we supposed to believe that race and culture are synonymous? It would seem more and more that MLK had it right. It is not about the color of your skin and every bit about the content or your character.