Can you have a black friend and be racist?

in racism •  5 years ago

This is...aggressively stupid. Shouting "Racist!" at people has become the default tactic of idiots who hear something that they don't like. For years, I've been trying to ask the simple question, "If you can call a person 'racist,' what can he or she say to convince you that the allegation is wrong?" Nobody can answer that simple question. There's a reason. The allegations of racism aren't about racism; they're about silencing political opponents.

Don't get me wrong, racism is a real thing and I'm sensitive to it; but, it's not as prevalent in the way that these people think.

There is such a thing as the racism of low expectations. You really think that a black person can't handle the sight of a white person wearing dread-locks? You can't imagine a Hispanic person being okay with somebody, who isn't the same color, wearing a sombrero?

People on the left are the the most commonly racist people that I know because they have this perverse idea that people of a certain color need to behave a certain way.

Somehow, the fact that I've loved and have been in love with people of almost every ethnicity doesn't matter a damn to these people; because, it's the only tactic that they know. They can't win on philosophy; so, they just shout "Racist!"

Thomas Sowell once said (I'm paraphrasing), "If you're one of those people who believes that people should be judged by their own characters and merits, that would have gotten you labeled as a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago, and a racist today."

Go ahead and call me a racist. False accusations don't harm me.

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