some perspective

in racism •  4 years ago  (edited)

for yow-ass

from + podcast met zwarte moslima feministe Amina Wadud!

this is not america ... but it seems contagious over one dead guy ... it will last about a week and then its over here , ist just fashionable , like REDDIT ceo's who would remove themselves for someone black not someone better, then explain to their daughter they did it out of anti-racism ... in effect re-inforcing the fact that #pigmentmatters

i dont buy your bullshit

its oiled by the election craze and fuelled by latent frustration, used as an excuse by rabble

at the risk of sounding blue-blot

yea but it's okay, think of me as the right hand of a vengeful god who was sent here to destroy the worst problem of the planet and dont beat yourself up, not even my teachers in the socio-cultural school would have been able to objectively see and analyze the situation, they would have been 100% caught-up in the mass hysteria too

but THIS is real ... and what you're seeing there

is political ... among others, one dead guy does not matter , it never has

yea well READ IT ... its not mine, its a testimony

by a black


and this is not america

tsch ... its been over ten years i dont think i can literally recall the prime directive let alone translate it :

"the prime goal of socio-cultural work"
"is to identify, analyze and understand"
"existing problems at micro-, meso-, and macro-level"
"and present feasible solutions to the relevant authorities"

something close to that ... yea its like a mantra of the socio-cultural worker and the pack of hippies they chose to teach, i have never had a more well-respected pack of hippies by sheer knowledge and merit in my life (they would call that insulting the way i say it ofcourse but street-lingo is a lot worse, if you rtfm you would see ...and btw morco's (as they call it and themselves just like american rappers call each other nigger all the time) are africans too - in essence as black as the same continent)

so your bullshit doesnt fly with me ... feel free to downvote b/c this is racist while its not

and thus ...

euh , no, precious, im too lazy for that (edit : which means, dearie : if i wouldnt have been 95% sure (my version of 100 in a world of probability where the only certainty in life is eventual death) that i could do it while half sleeping i wouldnt have started) and in essence i didnt even the hischool degree to start but with some entry-stuff and a letter of recommendation that was done in five ... i said all this plenty before then someone thought it necessary to rip up my life and stick me back in salems lot, and seeing where i came before they might as well have given me the degree by sheer experience , heh ... mh ? yea as a specialist in field then and since then nothing but mental damage and every day one day that never will come back

i said all that before ... and i can say what a judge once said to me : "failure to understand does not excuse you" ...

and that was that

yes, precious, if that's *too complicated* then its no wonder your world sucks ass and monkey dick and if it gives you a headache

GOOD ... you have given me plenty

so ... dont say "then belgium!" thats a trigger ... everythings a trigger by now ... you kept pushing everywhere to see what button goes where and it left me with nothing but bruises , folded in too small a space in time it never heals

you're too late ...

and i feel bad for wasting time while i could have cleared my head with a little coding - its cool and quiet ... it makes sense, where humans are not that hard to understand : they don't

yah yah, and so the night went wasted while i should have used it to recharge against the daylight madness salems lot brings

law student

do you want mayo or ketchup with that? just read it then - google translate is your friend

myeah ... my guess is still turing-killers or else the constant slander, stress and stalking from elders who want to see the witch burned has caused permanent damage ... i had my theory yesterday on how, since the brain goes by interpolation, i find myself hearing certain sounds outside when watching a movie in stereo or higher with plenty background noises
and that's simply because my master , the brain , came to expect it, despite me not being a dog a certain amount of pavlov over time is inevitable and i triple-dare the most erudite professor doctors to deny my theory on me here b/c i think im totally on spot - it explains a whole lot, its not real damage, but it IS
and since i am aware i CAN notify myself more now , but since im not 7 months but umpteenseven years the re-conditioning goes slower, and gets re-set

quadruple dare you to call me wrong

turing killers wont solve that, but something IS causing me to not see the need for +1 where i put <<1 for a whole fucking night, while wasting time on this

subjects like this

due to YOUR conditioning, precious, are usually wasted since you get a blank stare, system reboot, that does not compute in your eyes and either start with the pack on isms or start about the weather as if nothing were said


nuff said ...

quintuple dare you, professer :)

i know im right, it fits on all sides

yea but the assault two weeks ago was not my brain playing interpol-tricks on me - at close to 80-90 decibels while i was sleeping ... i didnt imagine that - and i dont imagine things

my brain misplaces sound because , since all this time YOUR SHIT DID NOTHING, you didnt but tell me i cant ... it got trained to expect them there

and thats how it is

95% sure

its on your head, but so is all the rest, the problem is for me, i am 95% deniable

so i'll stop before the cusswords

and hope i can restrain myself from wasting time on this as i need the night to re-charge

in hell

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