Has racism been truly eliminated as claimed by many today?

in racism •  7 years ago 

I feel that racism is not something that can be eliminated very soon from the current look of things, I am not in any sense being cynical or a pessimist but like I said earlier, from the look of things it may not be possible soon.
Firstly, one of the things that should help reduce racism to the least limit is football and the way most of the countries were allowing people from other country of origin to play for them was becoming very great but, it has not been a news anymore the way the fans of that country are treating those players now. Imagine, Mezut Ozil that had invested his life playing for Germany but he was seriously abused during the just concluded World Cup.
Black players in almost all European countries are being abused almost monthly.
However, I am excited for France for parading an almost black squad to the World Cup and from the support of their fans, they became world champions.

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