It's absurd on its face to say that any system of intellectual thought absolutely negates racists as fellow travelers.

in racism •  2 years ago 


What we're always dealing with is a spectrum of value systems that, on one end, makes it hard to be a racist, and on the other end, lends itself to a racist worldview.

It's hard to square libertarian values with racism. A system built on individualism is hard to overlap with attitudes of group identity. That's why people like Hans-Hermann Hoppe continue to mystify me. I guess this is a good example of the distinction between most people of the libertarian mindset, like me, who hear about a racist's speech being cancelled and think, "Oh, fuck. Now I have to defend this piece of shit's right to speak." while people like Hoppe will defend the speech and then attend the speech and invite the guy to his home for dinner and drinks.

On the other end, it's a miracle to find socialists, communists, or anybody who believes in intersectionality who isn't some form of racist because these are collectivist worldviews. The group comes first.

All that's changed is the fashion of racism. Anybody who knows history knows how flamboyantly racist Marx, Stalin, Che, etc. were. Che even wrote to his father about how much he hated black people. Marx and Stalin weren't far from Hitler in their view of Jewish people. One could argue that "The Squad's" attitude toward Jews is basically Hitler without the power to carry it out (and I am willing to make that argument).

The fashion has changed to a racism of pseudo-compassion. It's manifested itself in the form of white saviors who call out the white savior complex. It's resulted in people seeing a speck that isn't there in their neighbors eye and utterly failing to notice the plank in their own. Their racism has flipped from being openly hateful toward Muslims to calling "islamophobia!" toward anyone who says that he or she doesn't like a Muslim. Their bigotry has gone from open hatred of trans people to shouting "transphobic!" at anybody who says that maybe, just maybe, the dude who raped a bunch of women, and suddenly started identifying as a woman when he was gonna be sent to prison so he could be sent to a woman's prison where he committed more rapes (true story by the way), is lying.

The brand of racism and bigotry from these worldviews simply transitioned from disrespect for certain groups with open hatred to disrespect for the same groups cloaked with a veneer of compassion.

Except when it comes to Jews. People are still sadly, fairly open about hating Jews.

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