Do these racial centered extremists really care about lives ?

in racism •  9 years ago 

So I keep seeing BLM and it's supporters saying that their lives matter, and that they should even kill cops to prove their point?

Not sure how killing anyone proves your point about lives mattering.

If lives really matter shouldn't you do everything you can to reduce black on black violence which kills a multitude more people each year than do police officers? Shouldn't you be out patrolling your streets getting kids out of gangs and telling them you won't tolerate any more violence in your neighborhood ??

Shouldn't you be working to provide better role models for your kids ? Shouldn't you be telling the entertainment industry that you don't want the "gang banger" image to be the image they portray of you?

Shouldn't you be making sure your community utilizes all the resources available to it to help them be successful?

Shouldn't you rally around your community in times of need ? Like maybe when there is severe flooding ?

But no, you riot and destroy your own neighborhoods. Yeah that makes perfect sense ?

And no you can't say anything about them because that is racist? But calling out to kill white people isn't ?

If any other race were calling out for the death of blacks in the same matter, they would be shunned and arrested ASAP. But this doesn't happen with BLM or Blank Panthers or Nation of Islam.

Where are the leaders of the communities condemning their actions ?

Tinfoil hat time
Or is this purposely being allowed to drive diversion amongst Americans ? Keep them un-unified? Is someone out there afraid of what could happen if Americans were united and informed ?

  • is this a "shiny" to draw attention away from things that are really going on ?
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