What will you give to racism?

in racism •  8 years ago 

Racism needs you to survive. What will you give?

I just saw this new story on the interweb and then followed it up to the website - https://givenothing.co.nz/

The video by Taika Waititi is typical kiwi - very cool.

A big 'thumbs up' to Dame Susan Devoy and the team that came up with this.

I love the diversity of the country I live in. There are so many people from so many different places here, in my city, in my suburb, in my street, in my place of work even. Together we are stronger and better than we ever could be by ourselves.

Multiculturalism seems to be having problems around the world, as as you can see from the website we have our problems here as well, but at least there is a strong desire from everyone that I know to live and work together as equals.

So, my fellow Steemians, what will you give to racism?

I know what I'll be giving.... a big fat nothing!

Check out my stories here on Steemit

Running Deer

Running Deer - part 1
Running Deer - How legends are born

Charlie Rabbit

Meet Charlie Rabbit
Charlie tides up
Charlie Rabbit and Margery Mouse
Charlie Rabbit and Margery Mouse make music

Little Peppers Adventures

Runaway Rabbit and the hungry fox
Maybe and the land of purple rainbows – A Little Peppers adventure
How Pappa Pepper and Monster Truck the Pepper got their wild hogs - a Little Peppers Adeventure

Dark Angel Regiment of the Space Marines - Mission Files

First Squad Sniper Elite - Zaresith mission

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The Lady Of The Lake

Also don't forget to check out my Dad's blog

Who else can tell you stories about impersonating an officer, stealing a military aircraft to go on a booze run, or steal military aircraft and go on an unsanctioned bombing run - and that's all before he turned 18!

Check out @len.george and find out what other madness he got up to!

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I wish everyone would just get long with each other :)

Yeah I know. I just don't get racism.
I guess this goes a little back to your post on growing up.
Kids are not racist, they will play with anyone. it doesn't matter what colour their skin is or where they are from.

It's only when you grow up that you learn to be racist. And since I never really grew up, maybe that's why I'm not racist.

Or maybe it is because I like different people and don't see them as a threat.

Children don't see the colour, I don't now why colour is a problem, it is all about growing up and accepting each other :)

This is great. Couldn't quite get the sound on the video, but the words were clear!!! I will also give nothing.
Will be checking out your other stories and your dad's as well. He sounds like a character !! Thanks @trevor.george

This is a little tricky. You have to click on the 'video' to start the video. Then you get sound.

It's a bit weird I know. I took me a while to figure it out.

Thanks for giving nothing to racism.

And for checking out our stories. Yes my dad is a character. It's amazing that I was even born! hehe

But you were!!! So good for him (and your mum) haha
