Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People...

in racist •  7 years ago 

But assessing our privilege (or lack thereof) on these facts considers only our relationship with whiteness and with America. Intraracially, however, our relationship to and with black women is not unlike whiteness’s relationship to us. In fact, it’s eerily similar.

I was watching an episode of "This week in Stupid" on Sargon of Akkad's Youtube channel and this article came up. It's kind of hard for me to follow the logic in the article and I'll give you my thoughts on some of the key pieces here.

We want white people to at least make an effort to understand that our reality is different from theirs and that white supremacy is a vital and inextricable part of America’s foundation, and we grow frustrated when they refuse to acknowledge their role—historically and presently—in propagating it.

First off as a white person, I used to be tired of being called a racist just for being white. But then after awhile, after seeing the sheer amount of anti white propaganda that I've seen in recent history. The left has abused the word so much that it's lost it's meaning and it no longer has the same effect on me as it once did. Calling me a racist is the quickest way for me to completely tune you out or just ignore you outright. I'm not here to pay for the "sins of my father" if they were in fact racist at some point. You're not going to use me as an excuse not to get past it and do what's best for you and your community. In fact, you are the one currently propagating this racist narrative being racist towards me currently!

I'm a poor white corporate slave just like you, and you can either cry about your station in life or play this capitalist game and start making some moves. Either way it's my responsibility to inform you that I'm moving forward and suggest that you do so as well. Besides lumping all white people in the same category is stupid. It's intellectually lazy and serves only to create this us vs. them mentality among common people like us. I'm not your enemy and together we can become a force to be reckoned with, but not if we're at each others throat playing the globalist game of divide and conquer.

When the racism isn’t blatant or doesn’t appear to exist at all, we want them to give us the benefit of the doubt. Because we’ve trained ourselves to be able to sense it—even in minute and barely perceptible amounts—because our safety depends on our recognition of it.

Right just like I'm about to bust out my crystal ball and tell you that you don't have a future with that ideological framework. You can go frack yourself with your metaphysical nonsense about being able to sense racism. It's barely perceptible because it's non existent and if it did exist would have no impact on your life to begin with. Look buddy I'm trying to give you a clue here. You need money and you need to obtain it legally to maintain your freedom. What would the inner city look like if you decided that instead of selling drugs you would get into organic farming?

You rallied your friends and neighbors together and said you know what people we can do this. With enough hard work and some luck we can create a local market and produce a fresh quality product that wasn't crack cocaine. By creating an environment that was clean, safe, and overall friendly to outside investors. Our community can rise up from the ashes and actually become leaders in the organic quality food production industry.

Although we recognize that not all white people are actively racist, we want them to accept that all benefit from racism, and we become annoyed when individual whites take personal exception and center themselves in any conversation about race, claiming to be one of the “good ones” and wishing for us to stop and acknowledge their goodness.

I don't want you to acknowledge my goodness. I want you to create some of your own instead of bitching about your circumstances and not doing anything about it. No one benefits from racism and to see that in print just makes my skin crawl. You are the cancer of our society you racist piece of human garbage. You know what I take that back I hope you continue to complain about how racist I am while doing nothing to improve your situation or community. At some point you no longer become an asset to society and simply deserve what you get. Besides someone in your community will replace you when they discover that YOU are the cancer that's bringing them down.

Source: ""

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I appreciate your article. As a black man, who owns his own business and never sold or used crack I have escaped many of the stereotypical problems black people face that you mentioned. I love America, the people, and the constitution. The spirit behind the truth of divine human rights is keeping us from complete global tyranny. But it didn't start that way, it was a struggle. Many good black, white and other people fought and died so that all could be more free. The evil powers of this world that feed off of hate and benefit from our enslavement needs us divided. You play into their hands when you get emotional and denigrate a whole community behind a stupid blog from a guy on the internet. You may not be racist but you sound like it when you harshly criticize another community without considering factors like the drug war, redlining, lynching, segregation, slavery, and hundreds of years of all out terrorism on a group of people. Don't take our current situation out of context of history, that would be ignorance. Trust me there are plenty of black Americans doing well, are drug free, and do great things for our country everyday, and we don't use hardships as an excuse to not do what's right. Don't let the mainstream media fool you, they don't speak for all of us, we don't own the tv stations, and we don't set the agenda. They are owned by international corporations and banks, and they have their puppets. But I get it, you don't want to be blamed for stuff other people did, and you shouldn't. We all should be focusing on what we can agree on and work towards that, but unfortunately many people are just acting out on their programming and brainwashing. Try not to take anything personally, be humble and use empathy to try to understand things from other people's perspective. That is what I try to do and it makes for a much more peaceful existence and it's the only way we can come together and insure freedom for ourselves and future generations. Peace.