Liberties Alliance: ICLA - Mission Statement & Donald Trump on Radical Islamic Terrorism

in radicalislam •  8 years ago  (edited)

A project that I worked closely with, Liberties Alliance, has been effectively CENSORED through a warning it is a dangerous site. It is not. You will receive a red screen with a warning. However, it is accessible by clicking on 'details' and going to the very safe website. You may have to click on the warning/details twice, and then the link 'visit this unsafe site'.
What is dangerous about it is that we speak the truth.

Read the Mission Statement, it is copied in full below, and written from my earlier inspiration:
Below the Mission Statement is an article with Donald Trump.

##Mission Statement##
Aufgaben und Leitbild * Declaración de objetivos *
The International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA) is a human rights organisation that aims to uphold democracy, freedom and individual liberties.

The Alliance does so through endorsing, coordinating and promoting education and campaigns conducted by its members, in the spirit of classical liberalism. ICLA and its members will educate the general public about the significance of the inalienable rights of individuals, and how these are subtly underlined or openly challenged by political and religious forces.
In particular, ICLA and its members shall campaign for one or more of these issues:

(1) Freedom of Expression
Calling for the protection of the citizens’ rights to free expression, the repeal of legislation that prevents its effective exercise, and adoption of legislation similar to the “First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America”, into national or international law:
[Law Making Body] shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

(2) Democracy & the Rule of Law
Promoting democracy and the Rule of Law by ensuring that all citizens are treated equally under the
law, and opposing adoption of any legal system that compete with Constitutional law, with particular focus on any such system that violates fundamental human rights. This includes, but is not limited to, systems that discriminate against women, discriminate according to ethnicity or religion, and in particular any initiative that deprives the citizens of their rights to choose for themselves the laws that govern their lands.

(3) Freedom of Worship
Protecting the right of any person to reform or abandon his religion without hindrance, fear, or censure, as well as calling for national and international law to be amended to provide relevant protection for such persons. In particular, ICLA will campaign against the practices of intimidating or punishing reformers and apostates, and for the right of any person to challenge religious authorities on these subjects. Finally, ICLA will support and encourage liberal reformers seeking to bring traditional creeds up to modern standards for civil liberties.

(4) Equal rights for women
Promoting equal rights for men and women alike through challenging discrimination against women based on religious dogma, or other discriminatory or damaging practices traditionally considered ‘religious’. It is the firm belief of ICLA that equal rights for women are a cornerstone of a modern society, and that ensuring these rights is vital for a balanced future development of our societies.

(5) Equality Before the Law
Demanding individual equality before the law, in theory as well as in practice. Countering violations of this principle in the theory of legal or religious texts, as well as in their practical execution.

(6) Individual Liberty
Supporting the rights of the individual and opposing measures that undermine the norms of individual liberty. It is a fundamental concept that liberty belongs to individuals, not groups, and consequently that granting special privileges to or revoking them from a group is at odds with this principle. In particular, no rights must be withheld from a citizen due to his religion, either in law or in the application thereof.

(7) Countering politics disguised as religion
Challenging the use of religious ideology or status to gain political power or to conduct subversive activities; for example by requesting that the status of any individuals or organisations doing so shall be reclassified from “religious” to “political”, and subsequently treated as such by the authorities.

(8) The Right to Oppose Sharia
Countering any attempts by Islamic leaders or organisations to implement Sharia, covertly or openly. Campaigning for the protection of individuals and organisations working to prevent the implementation of Sharia in our societies. This includes ensuring that law enforcement and courts deal fairly and robustly with threats and intimidation against citizens doing so, for such citizens are working in line with the European Court of Human Rights verdict of February 13th 2003:
… the Court found that sharia was incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy as set forth in the Convention. It considered that Sharia, which faithfully reflects the dogmas and divine rules laid down by religion, is stable and invariable. Principles such as pluralism in the political sphere or the constant evolution of public freedoms have no place in it.

(9) Interfaith Dialogue
Encouraging individuals and organisations to engage in useful and respectful interfaith dialogue, and exposing any fraud attempted in such dialogues. This includes requesting of relevant parties that they be clear and explicit in their communications, and that sincere efforts be undertaken to uphold any agreements reached. Promoting the abolition of detrimental religious dogma, for instance by having Islamic organisations sign on to A Proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding by Sam Solomon.

(10) International Cooperation for Protection of Liberty
Supporting grassroots groups, individuals, and other organisations committed to protecting individual liberty locally, nationally and globally. Lobbying governments and international organisations to develop legislation and codes of conduct to prevent stealth or open undermining of these liberties, as well as the human rights violations that would inevitably follow from the destruction of our civil liberties.

This post includes Donald Trump and his views on this crucial issue.
(Copied in full below. Please share this post. The few individuals who manage and contribute to this site do so as volunteers.)

Presidential candidate Donald Trump comes under fire for simply stating that “the Emperor has no clothes.” He is regarded by political pressure groups and the media as a danger for having the courage to criticise radical Islam, a toxic topic for all other candidates. He is lambasted by collaborationist media virtually round the clock in order to keep the public in the dark about the real issues and is accused of racism by politicians enjoying enormous funding from Arabs. Meanwhile, the American public is grieving in the wake of the heart breaking attacks in Boston, Paris, Brussels, San Bernardino and Orlando, and they finally hear someone braving the truth: Trump speaks out.

Trump’s reaction was, in actual fact, exactly the same as that of the millions horrified at these planned massacres. It was the inner voice of millions of outraged civilians who can never grasp the logic of murder in the name of religion. Perhaps it was American parents’ instinct to protect their young in the face of danger, no matter what the cost!
The sad reality is that whenever radical Muslims attack anywhere – just as in the most recent massacre in Orlando – the first thing political leaders do is to wax lyrical about the Islamic world, highlighting the alleged un-Islamic nature of terror. It was only Trump who broke the routine a few months ago: unshackled to any lobby or Arab source, he is free to challenge this deafening silence.

Politicians who hide behind the usual shield of democracy have once again set their sights on Trump, accusing him of insulting Islam and Muslims. I, an activist writer and someone who comes from the Islamic tradition, someone raised under Islamic rules, wore the hijab for years, lived in countries ruled by Sharia and interviewed thousands of Muslim women, strongly disagree. Trump is indisputably going to help the future of Islam: today’s Islam is stuck in the Medieval Ages, still suffering from the incursions of the Crusaders of nearly a thousand years ago and urgently needs reform to bring Muslims into the Twenty-First Century.

Trump could easily be the hope of the Muslims whom he is accused of insulting. All too aware the risks posed to the future of Islam by the politically correct leaders in the pocket of Arab rulers, moderate Muslims around the world have already begun to back the Trump movement that will help them to drive reform. They include activist Muslim women defending the rights of women, children and gays, in particular, as they fight for women enslaved and oppressed by Sharia, girls of 7 or 8 sold and raped ostensibly as child brides sanctioned by religion and young people executed for being gay. Women activists whose I have personally interviewed in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Qatar concur in their conviction that Trump will help the reform movement in Islam.

Islamic terror feeds on the silence of Muslims and Western political leaders. In other words, keeping silent and avoiding confrontation with radical Islam does not alleviate the problem. Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton have been silent for the past seven and a half years; how successful has that tactic been in tackling Islamic terror? Their feeble policies beholden to others have only turned the Middle East into an inferno, while secular countries like Turkey were Islamicised. That is why this silence must be broken. We must stand firm as we confront and condemn radical Islam in order to help bring an end to these inhuman practices and murders. The only way to defeat terrorist organisations like so-called ISIS, Al Qaeda and Al Nusra is to speak out, just as Donald Trump has done.

We know by experience that bombs and weapons cannot defeat Islamic terror. Neither American bombs, nor countless lives lost (terrorists and American soldiers alike) helped to eradicate radical Islam in the wake of September 11. That is why the West must abandon this hypocritical policy, stop promoting Islam, and instead denounce radical Islam as a misguided and dangerous ideology. That is the only way modern Muslims can be encouraged to stand against Jihadism. Trump’s unequivocal stand and proposals – yes, even those proposals – to implement a temporary visa ban for Muslims might just be what peaceful Muslims need to distance themselves from the radicals. This could be the wake-up call, an opening move of the first domino in a transformation that will go around the world: REFORMATION.

“Muslim for Trump” campaign is growing every day under the leadership Mr. Sajid Tarar who is the representative of modern Muslim society in US. Assuming that some nine hundred million Muslims around the world believe in peace, it must be beyond dispute that the eradication of Islamic terror will benefit above all these kind souls who are desperately unhappy at the taking of innocent lives in the name of Allah. Why shouldn’t modern Muslims therefore support Donald Trump?

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