
in radicalization •  last month 

'Radicalization doesn't happen over night!’

It was a title of some newspaper article. It's pointless to search and quote which article was it exactly, fuck it, I read them all the time. If I put in Google search the same sentence, I will certainly get tens of thousands of results. Posted, commented on, shared...

Some days ago I was talking with Woodpecker. 'I would never just kill myself like that', he said, 'I would blow myself up somewhere, take a bunch or people with me.' Not so long ago, as we were listening to some news about some guy killing himself, Pee Wee said the same thing: 'What an idiot! If he decided to kill himself, he should have went to a parliament building and blow everything and everyone along.'
And I? Where would I go to blow everything and everyone up?


For a long time it made sense. To an extent. Not as a justification but as an explanation, someone's a way to fight back the indifference. Now I'm more like - Fuck them! Sooner or later it will all fall down on all of us anyway. Why would I bother to save anyone from their own ignorance?' Really, why?

Is this the old question about the meaning of life? Meaning of anything?

It would resolve nothing. It would make no significant impact. It would destroy some lives, family members of ‘blown up’ people, the rest would talk about it for a while and then it would all just go to the oblivion. People get killed and blown up on daily bases. It became normal. And, I think, for the exactly same reason people decide to blow other people and places up, along with themselves. The same realization that no one gives a shit. Except, those that do it are people who actually have hope. Hope that an act, terrifying enough, horrifying enough, will wake people up, change.

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