@Regran_ed from @radiobeirut - DJ Lethal Skillz the oldest and most established turntablist in the Middle East and North Africa is with us this Friday night at Radio Beirut.
Come before 9 Beirut Time and enjoy our Happy hour.
Walkins are always welcome.
For table reservations please call 01 570 277 / 76 341 499 (WhatsApp)
Can't make it? Not a problem, You can download our free mobile app from Google Play or the Apple Store and enjoy the show at 9 pm (+3 GMT)
#radiobeirut #beirut #beirutnightlife #lebanesebands #lebaneseartists #lebanesepubs #marmikhael #hiphop #indiebeirut #hiphopessentials #hiphoplebnene #djlethalskillz #lethalskillz - #regrann #share2steem