One of our favorite guests and commentators is Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, Oxford Ph.D. in Patristics, whose more than two dozen books speculate on the existence of an ancient, highly sophisticated civilization that has profound effects on modern global events.
In this installment of Radio Far Side, we explore the origins of the concept of Trinity, from the Vedic tradition through Mesopotamia and Mezoamerica to modern Christian theology. Many viewers may be surprised at how influential this concept has been in modern society and even scientific developments.
Ride along as Dr. Farrell explains his theory of the Topological Metaphor, the Trinity and beyond. You can visit his website as well, for more of his patented "high-octane speculation" at Giza Death Star (.com). Our own blog, Life on the Far Side, is linked in the header for more of our own commentary on the world as we find it.
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