- Consensus Jukebox: add your tracks via SBD/Steem transfer

in radiosteem •  8 years ago  (edited)

For a while I have been tinkering with the idea to combine Steem Transfer Memo's to automated processes and do more with the Steem Blockchain write/post possibilities in a useful manner.

Up to now I had only been making apps which are certainly fun (imho), and display read data from the Steem Blockchain, but that all changed today... Introducing

RadioSteem - Consensus Radio Station

By using the possibility of attaching a memo users can supply a request to have their favorite tracks added to the random playlist of the radio station.

Whenever a new track gets added it will (only once) play directly. New tracks are added every 6 minutes and crossposted on @radiosteem 's blog.

Currently the radiostation is in 'aggregation' modus and randomly plays all added tracks.

Over the weekend I will flip to 'consensus/vote'-based picks for the hourly random playlist instead of 'fishing' from all tracks added. You can simply bring your vote on @radiosteem 's blog which lists all tracks added to the playlist.

I have prepared the 'playlist' items on @radiosteem 's blog with special json metadata, you could inspect individual posts on to see that metadata!

How to play Radio Steem:

An icecast streaming server (mp3) is broadcasting on the interwebs and you can play this in your browser, iTunes, VLC, Sonos, laptop, phone, etc.

How to add your track to Radio Steem:

  1. Go to your Wallet via the menu.
  2. Click on your totals of either SBD or Steem and initiate to transfer money.
  3. Fill in the transfer dialog: Send at least 0.33 SBD / STEEM to radiosteem and fill the memo field with artist track. Replace 'artist' and 'track' with your favorite artist's track. Don't forget the play keyword! (Update: no longer necessary to begin with 'play')
  4. Hit transfer, you will be asked to sign with your 'active wif' or overall password, leave 'remember me' unchecked.
  5. Wait a bit... The machine processes 1 request per 6 minutes.


For now this is a (fully working!) proof of concept, if it works it will be finetuned. I have already investigated the webradio licensing fees for running this kind of station. If there is a decent request for this station, or other streaming music ideas which could evolve from this, I am happy to pay the licensing fees to the local royalties collector... This royalties collector will then use this fee to pay their CEO's villa and ferrarri and leaves some pennies to the artists. :(

How It Is Made:

  1. Server
  2. python-steem library by @xeroc
  3. User requests via 'memo'
  4. Script looks up and normalises data via 'ye good ol' API.
  5. A certain provider of clips, fail vids and what more supplies audio.
  6. Instantly streams the newly added audio.
  7. Afterwards picks next added track or random from the list.


  • @radiosteem wires your money back if no track was found
  • @radiosteem wires your money back if you wired not enough money (minimum = 0.33 SBD or 0.33 Steem)
  • be sure to upvote your track on @radiosteem (note we most probably don't earn author rewards because we cross the 4 posts per day easily)
  • Find the official #radiosteem channel in to discuss tracks and music in general
  • read above the part about royalties.

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Ver y interesting concept. Looking forward to try this out. What with tweeter style functionality on the way and now radio, steemit is quickly turning into the beginnings of a crypto media empire! ;-)

mini empire but it's still exciting to see!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

What if the radiosteem player would be integrated to and the users have the option to just hit play on the upper right corner to make their browsing/curating/posting experience much more enjoyable ?

Good idea, I don't think many people will keep paying for this if it isn't on the main site. Currently there is only 5 listeners on the other site.
@roelandp I think you need to restrict how many tracks can be added per day per username

Hi Snowflake, thx. you don't need to pay to listen to the radio tho... Only if you want to add new tracks.. Otherwise it will play from the previously submitted tracks. But you are right, how to promote this, good question :) Btw you can listen via itunes, sonos, vlc, smart tv and internet radio player too, see the instructions on!

I m sorry i didn't realize that people had to vote on the track for it to be playing, i thought people would just pay 0.33 and it would be added to a waiting list. I think steemit could add the video player on the site no? or you can cooperate with the other guys that are doing radio steem see if they can play those song on their channel. I wrote a post which sadly got no attention at all i would be very happy to hear what you think about the general idea and also if you have the ability to implement something like it ( I think Dan and ned are merging external code on the main site if they like it ) Anyway thanks for your contribution

Integration is what I want to see here on Steemit with these new products(ideas) :)

great idea!

you're on fire today :))

Definitely needed. Next level experience. I don't even listen to music on repeat these days, too many good music out there!

Decentralized Music Already chatted briefly with @roelandp about this, but he is incredibly busy, but said there may be some users either interested in or already creating something like this. If you know anyone @liondani who would want to join together and give back to steemit and help out musicians (podcasters too) please let me know.


Happy to work with anyone, but tired of coming up with ideas and not knowing how to see them through. Especially when it would bring people that may have no interest in using steemit as a blogging platform, but would love it as a means to get their music heard.

Very nice project!

some suggestions:

  • Let the users free to choose how much SBD or STEEM they send just move to the top of the queue the highest paid songs!
  • Don't require on the memo the word play!
    Just the artist and the song title name

artist and songtitle : Check removed 'play'.

amazing steemtools, there are can listening music, thanks @roelandp

good ideas!

Got me dancing in my living room. Streaming this on my Smart TV now.


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Just tried to send some Steemdollars for a song, but i doesnt work somehow, can you tell me whats wrong? Thanks

Found the problem, the@ !

Creativity: check
Awesomeness: check
Me being one of the first to add music and choosing TAYLOR SWIFT: check

great project!


your taste in music is >>> mine :D

I need to try this out later on

@roelandp, how would you add my own soundcloud song to your radiostation:

Hi,we're having a radiosteemulating time.
This is the preview to get you excited. Later I will punch out all other footage.
I listened today and this is so good.
Hyped and happy!

Can't wait to see the development of this services go a loooong way! May the force be with you and us all: All for one and one for all!!! Namaste :)

Small suggestion - If the song you have requested to add has been added recently, say in the last 6 hours, the bot could send a message to confirm that you want to add another copy of the same song before uploading it. Case in point - A guy added I Took A Pill In Ibiza about 30 seconds before me while I was typing the transfer, and didn't see it.

Are you paying royalties to the owners of the songs? I would check out the legal situation, i think any broadcast of copyright material needs to pay a royalty to the writer of the song.

yes we applied for a web radio station license

These projects that run on the Steemit blockchain but provide something different are going to shape the future of this website. Love it!

ben, you are a pianist, now get ready to become....
the first blockchain MUSIC MOGUL!

I've been playing with this all morning (I was a beta tester :D).

Thank you for such a fun STEEM service!

What can i say? Its Brilliant i am speechless! Now i will even better blogging, commenting curating on Steemit! Thanks so much for another great tool !!!

It worked !!!! My song plays right now !!!!

Can 0r will it play instrumentals 0r d0es it have to have lyrics? Maybe a dumb question but I'm tired and still curious

if the title is at youtube it plays it

Oh ish! ok but youtube doesn't upload mp3's and what not , only videos, no? This is what I've noticed. So we have to make videos huh

I'll never listen to this channel of random songs.

However I love that you figured out how to use memo and transfer to create a new use for Steem dollars. I am looking forward to the copycat sites!

Outstanding work as always, this will bring a whole lot of traffic to the #music tag. @roelandp for #1 Witness

I'm reading but would still find it more helpful to see a video tutorial :) Nice idea by the way

This is flat out genius ! I'm sooo glad somebody came out with a radio station we can all agree on, even if our taste in music is different, creates a station with one agenda/truth. Thank you and I'm so excited to add songs to this station. Namaste and :D ~!

I was going to upvote this, awesome idea.

I than saw "rae smerrurururrd" or however you spell that. You can´t be serious huh?

i needed to test :) so I looked into my Shazam list. But you can override my choice with yours! It's all about consensus baby :)

Good little project!

This is awesome!

I'm all in favor of new technology to hear music better! great post, thank you!

Good post. This is epic, if all goes well we could have the next big music artist found on steemit. I personally have recorded tracks of my own, so stay tuned guys you may hear some music from me too!

amazing such a great look and very good sound I am impressed, I will share with my friends and family members.

Looks like I'm going to have to buy some steem so I can request one of my original songs.

Check ur wallet in 1 minute :)

Awesome! Thanks! Request sent.

Good idea thanks for a tinder

Very clever use of the memo. Gonna give it a listen and perhaps make a request.

Edit: I'll stick with Spotify. There are a lot of different tastes in music out there. Cool concept!

yes it's quite a mix, although i think it's fun to discover users and their tastes :) If you play in a native radio player you see Artist + Songtitle + (Added by Steem User for X amount)

Pretty freaking cool idea. How about my own music, that's on soundcloud, how would that work?

nice feature request. i'm going to do something with this. thx.

Once again you rock with this innovative project. Hopefully it will get fast adoption.

This is cool idea, that's what I was calling before. First Social contract on Steem :-)

Holy shit, this is so awesome! So many possibilities. Will draw out something and discuss it with you one of these days :D

Fun to have been a beta tester!


This is so cool, I'm having fun with it.
I noticed a spelling error when @radiosteem transfers .001 SBD with a message that the song has been added- the word "rebuild" should instead be "rebuilt."
This is good stuff!

thanks updating source code now.... #Dunglish :)

So we pay in order to have one of our own songs played?

I think you just knocked it out of the park with this one. Innovation...Way to go! Can't wait to participate.

Thank you for adding an element of developer surprise.

Looking forward to trying this out @roelandp
Great work, cheers!

Good work ! upvoted !

I cant get into the site any suggestions?

did it work for you already? . it's on Amazon so it could handle some traffic I guess ....

That's very strange. When I post some text and graphical content, I get paid for it (well, um, sometimes). It would be logical to be paid to when post an audio content too, wouldn't it?
Speaking of it, there's my suggestion for the future of Steem:

Yes you could put your audio ij a yiutube clip and play it

That's pretty neat, a video jukebox at radiosteem. :-)

Also, to legally stream content, start of with steemian users' that allow their content to stream on your page and also have a 'buy it' link on through the memo field. I believe uses IPFS to store content.

gracias por compartir esta información, Me gusta lo que has publicado

Very good idea. You are very capable :)

May I add an ukrainian artist track ?

Nice Work @Roelandp Always an asset to the community.

So it's like a jukebox?

Wow dope concept, I gotta hang out on Steem more often and invite some of my music friends here. I have some not many, but those I know are really cool and could surely use this sort of thing to post onto.

I'm listening right now to the RadioSteem from the official website. Nice!
I just need to learn more about bitcoin crypto currentcy :)

So what you're saying is that at this moment you are using steemit for Pure theft? It is a great idea but by starting it out without paying for it you are forwarding mentality of theft.

awesome idea brought into reality, nice one :)

I tried it out and it works great! Loved the music! Playing Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin felt awesome! :D

So cool!!!

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