Centre for Innovation, IIT Madras the 24x7 'student lab' has unveiled the works of Raftar Formula Racing, Team Anveshak, IIT Madras & Abhiyaan, IIT Madras- teams that have qualified for international events and will compete against colleges from all over the world in 2018.
CFI’s Team Raftar, has built from scratch a #FormulaRace Car. They are the only Indian team to qualify for registration for Formula Student Germany 2018.
Team Anveshak has built a #Mars #Rover which has qualified for the finals of University Rover Challenge set to happen at the MDRS - Mars Desert Research Station, U.S.
Team Abhiyaan has built a ground vehicle which is capable of navigating autonomously via #GPS way-points. Last year, they qualified for ‘Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition,’ an annual International Robotics event TORC Robotics at Oakland University, U.S.
“#CFI has emerged as the model in the country for fostering hands-on #innovation among students. IIT Madras #students are found there in the hundreds throughout the year, developing prototypes for international contests, and precursors for products that can be spun off through #startups. The academic year 2017-18 too has been, like past years, very productive for CFI.” says Prof Bhaskar Ramamurthi, Director, #IITMadras.
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