Class 153 (153308) Train Ride to Grantham (6/8/2016) HD

in railway •  7 years ago 

A ride on a Class 153 operated by East Midlands Trains working its way to Grantham from Bottesford on the 6th of August 2016. I had to make this video shorter than I had originally planned as a nearby passenger had a nasty cough and I didn't want that on my video :(. Poor fella and I hope he gets well soon but anyway. This ride is on 153308 that was working in lieu with 158812 that former a three car set to Skegness. Personally I like to ride the 153's as I like them a bit more than the Class 158's as they do make a nice grunt when they open up. The trash that was on the table wasn't mind and bit of coke drink slopped onto my bag hence that I jerked the camera at that point, so my apologies. Would be nice if they would just take their crap with them and BIN it like I do mine. Although its nothing that a bit of water and a cloth cannot handle. Ah well, such is life. The reason I added a photo of the unit into the video as I didn't want anyones face on my video when we went through the tunnel just north of Grantham, so I added the photo to preserve the train sounds in the video :).

Enjoy the ride.

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