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I hate autumn...I hate rain :(

Haha! I used to feel the same way but I'm starting to like it and trying to find simple joys in autumn (at least for now).

Simple but good

Thank you so much! :)

I love rainy days but it's rained enough for me this year. I hope it snows as much as it's rained the last 6 months.

That is just too much! I would feel the same.
I hope you'll get the snow you wish for! :)

I have to say that I love Autumn and the Winter too. Wathing a movie sitting on my sofa, an hot chocolate, The colors of the nature that rest waiting the next Spring... I love the atmosphere of the Autumn ^_^

I'm glad to hear that, finally someone who loves Autumn. I'm starting to enjoy it too, especially after a super hot summer.
Colors of nature are beautiful in Autumn - all the yellows, oranges and reds. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

raining #coffee #reading bok
enjoy beautiful weather
thank you

Thank you for your support! :)

Lol I love rain ☔️I love autumn 🍂

Oh, another Autumn/rain lover! I might become one too, haha!
Thank you for your comment! :)

Great ideas for rainy day! Sometimes when it rains, I take my Nikon and go outside :)

Thank you!
That must be a great time, you and your camera. I have to try that as well so you just gave me a new idea, hehe! :D

@nikolina Great fun tips you gave to do on rainy days; i love to get wet in the rain or to just watch the raindrops while letting my mind float --just so relaxing!

I agree, it's so calming, I like to do that too sometimes.
Thank you for your comment! :)