in rain •  6 years ago  (edited)

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So it seams that Norway, the land of the vikings has deceided that enough is enough. I mean, stop cutting down are spirit gods and stop turning them in to paper.

I mean it was all well and good when we had to build houses. But the paper for documents and now, "You know it's just plain silly we have that , bloody interwebby thingy"

Now it was always a given. (Probs not) That someone was gonna say. Enough is enough. Well we had hoped as a global community. But like we already said in the title. It's happened and Norway say's, "Sod off we like our tre's.I suppose if you look at our post regarding oxygeddon and life on earth. It had to come at some point.


"But we must ask? Will it stick?"

Now these guys are just awesome it seams, because a whole country say's that they want tree's to be a thing, rather than extinct. Is not only a eye opener. But an ear listener, A neck turner a torso. burner.

Just envisage a planet without tree's, that lush green folage, that sent in the air, That life sprouting mechanism, that world within worlds, that only tree's bring. A world not worth living in and we agree.

Now to reading some more of this post and not just writing the foot header. LOL

Writing while alchol intoxicated is fun :P

now thinking that, we were going to find no other useful information. We where shocked when we found this AMAZING head turning observation life information, Knowlegenistic a new word ,goal. These guys really play with the gods.

The Norwegian government announced a $250 million commitment to protect Guyana's forest, WorldWatch Institute reported. The South American country, which has its forests zoned for logging, received the money over a four-year period from 2011 to 2015.

there you have it, they are really trying to end world deforestation.

Norway continues to say words which all could stand to listen, with bated breath and open arms.

"Our country is at a stage where our population is no less materialistic [than industrialized countries] and no less wanting to improve their lives," Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Guyana's minister of foreign affairs, said. "We want to continue our development, but we can't do that without a form of payment."

Norway are hard hitters, they are no cheap skates ether. Paying a bind boggling £1 billion in a deal which helped save more than 33,000 square miles of rain-forest from clear-cutting, National Geographic reported.

Now I don't know about you, but we think that this is a real EYE OPENER? an as such commend the vickings on their amazing attempt to create a once again thriving utopia. We are so impressed, enlightened and filled with hope of their ambision. Against the striving giants of corperation. That we wish them all the luck, in there now demographic, political agenda based fight. An we hope they win out.

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