The higher dimensional beings who tell u being empowered and you are your own leader and your free to do whatever u want. Long as you dont hurt others because everything is us/part of us. Would be the collective it would be better to listein 2 instead of these silly ass reilgious idots who are literally manipulated.
LIke the Vatican was actually founded and is still run by service 2 self space beings called the annukai.
they dont want us waking up they know once we do there illusionary fake control over is is DONE!
i got new for u it already is! it's called unity coninocuness and standing up for postivity and our whole planet!
pretty funny though witchcraft is still considered wrong /bunch nonsense by many and these dumb ass Christian mind control centers. are pointless there fucked thogh its so obvious i went 2 one few months ago he was irrarated so many young pppl no longer came. ever in there history. well no shit where shifting into higher awareness so we can easily see threw others bullshit!
there christian propets literally did magic/witchcraft/wizardry. thing is all there powers we possess and more if anything! im sure there was alot of abilites they used that are not in ur biblical books cause there tools of disempowerment garbage . who hold litttle value if any! maybe for a fire! lol