Ben Shapiro Promotes Covid Vaccines which kills people.
Venezuela is in America in 2021, scarcity matched with hyper-inflation.
Most of the psychology founders since the 1800s would have sex with their own children, many of them were pedophiles, etc.
$10 billion to settle Roundup lawsuits.
Vegetable Oil stays stuck inside our cells for 7 years and is in most processed foods.
The globalist order relies and depends on the ignorance of the general public, so whatever you do, don't try to educate people.
Alex Jones debates with himself regarding whether we should call the FBI the KGB or the Nazis or what. Alex said he is leaning more towards communism, that is how they act.
Segregation is back and this time it's medical segregation and discrimination.
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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-05-05 - Wednesday | Published in May of 2021
Segregation at baseball games
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
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I was teaching English in Vietnam
2021-05-05 - Wednesday - 03:08 AM - My Laptop Log
With my 2021 ASUS laptop, to get into BIOS from startup after turning the computer on and before it boots up to an operating system, you press and hold F2 until you see BIOS.
Hold F2
Oatmeal Health
Vegetable Oil, 7 Years
2021-05-05 - Wednesday - 02:06 PM - Health log - Gab
Vegetable oil stays in your body for 7 years, embedded in your cell membrane.
7 years vegetable oil remains in your cell membrane.
Vegetable Oil stays stuck inside our cells for 7 years and is in most processed foods.
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11:43 AM
Summer Glau, Star Wars Revenge of the Fifth.
07:44 PM
Twitter removes the @DJTdesk account which shared content from a Trump website where Trump tweets but not on Twitter but similar to how he would leave short posts and messages on Twitter. The Nazis got together to report this account so many times that Twitter took the account down today.
Segregation is back and this time it's medical segregation and discrimination.
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Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc
Dan Wood
01:51 AM - Top 10 Best Operating Systems of All Time
Windows 2000 may have been the best version of Windows to date, even in 2021.
Intergalactic 101
2021-05-05 - Wednesday - 04:24 AM - 05:00 AM - Intergalactic 101
Common World, 2143 AD. Good chase. She did good. THey go to the bar. She might be Rey from Star Wars, a Mary Sue. But exciting drama. SHe wants to be a cop in like China or something. She is arrested for what looks like a crime. She says that is not her on the security camera. Her mom is sad and is in the police as a chief or something. Reminds me of Harris. Mom talks to man who mentions pre-trial prison. Well, such a thing violates the US constitution. THis show might be a response by Fox to the success of The Expanse. White man framed her. Cuz white men so toxic, just kidding. Prisoners have the mark of the beast or also known as Covid Vaccines.
Mark Dice
Ben Shapiro Promotes Covid Vaccines
Ben Shapiro Promotes Covid Vaccines on Twitter.
Ron Gibson
Most of the psychology founders since the 1800s would have sex with their own children, many of them were pedophiles, etc.
$10 billion to settle Roundup lawsuits.
Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
Vegetable oil stays in your body for 7 years, embedded in.
7 years vegetable oil remains in your cell membrane.
The globalist order relies and depends on the ignorance of the general public, so whatever you do, don't try to educate people.
Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
07:31 PM
Alex Jones debates with himself regarding whether we should call the FBI the KGB or the Nazis or what. Alex said he is leaning more towards communism, that is how they act.
Segregation is back and this time it's medical segregation and discrimination.
Babies Down.
Venezuela is in America in 2021, scarcity matched with hyper-inflation.
Our Free Speech Archive
2021-05-05 - Wednesday - HEalth Log - 10:04 PM - ARE VIRUSES ALIVE? - BY SCISHOW (MIRRORED)
Smaller types of viruses
Protein sized viruses
Viruses with no proteins
Gene sized viruses which go in and out of DNA coding, the strands
Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching
Dan Wood
01:51 AM - Top 10 Best Operating Systems of All Time
Intergalactic 101
2021-05-05 - Wednesday - 04:24 AM - 05:00 AM - Intergalactic 101
Mark Dice
Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
The High Command
Our Free Speech Archive
Truth Extreme News
Dear diary, got up at 11:25 AM. They outside, garden stuff. I did not try to break the rake the other day. I do not try to break tools and other things but they break. I admit I may work too hard to a degree and the question would be to what percentage and yet the bigger concern is in how bad things are made. If the steel tip of a rake breaks then it is probably not steel. Maybe it is metal. But it may have a bad mix when they make in America, China, or wherever. Well, that has been in the news that bad mixtures of steel and metals and such that they are mixed. Bad compositions of metal is dumped from China to America. Cheap metals. I say buy high quality stuff. Otherwise stuff breaks and things break. What I like about my biological dad, Don Arnold, is he understood it. I would tell him this broke or that broke and he would be like ok. Like he said it was old or something. And it is true things break and yet things should not break. But many things are made so bad. Larry accuses me of breaking things. Like I am not that strong. The bigger problem is more that things are made so bad meaning you should buy bad products and yet he does again and again like a broken record. That is not long-term strategy or thinking. You need to invest in the best possible products in the world, period. No excuses unless if you are very poor. If you are too poor, I can understand and stuff. Since like 2018 since I've been at LMS, I get accused of breaking things. And it is not good to accuse people in that kind of way. It is not wise to do that. I rolled back to an earlier driver to get my ASUS laptop, my Ubuntu Mate 20.04, to send signal out through the HDMI to my TV. It seems the newest driver isn't compatible with Nvidia and Ubuntu. 4:30 PM meeting on healing. The rake I broke was a 16 pine or 16 teeth Groundwork garden rake. Nap around 8 PM to like 09:30 PM apx. 11:43 PM now, 86.76. Four items, a router, USB switcher, broom, rake. Friday, the 14th of May of 2021 is when they're due. See my money log. Maybe I should rename that log. They said they didn't have garden rakes at Tractor Supply. I didn't see any today. I walked in with no mask.
Food log
Breakfast: apple, coffee, peppered scrambled eggs, 12:15 PM.
Lunch: soup, around 1 PM to 2 PM.
Dinner: fish, tomatoes, cheese, Larry & Tom BBQ special, 07:00 PM.
My MP3 player takes Micro SD HC up to 128 GB. It doesn't say what speed limit or class limit it may have.