Say: This is the favor of Allah and His mercy. So they should be happy. What they store is better than that. [Surah Yunus: 58
It does not compare with the blessings of Allah on this earthly gift, it will be a kind of unreal imagination. When the arrival of Ramadan, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was very happy, used to say to his companions:
Ramadan is the month of Ramadan in your door. Then he used to describe some merits of this month and say:
Allah has made for you fasting. This month the gates of the sky were opened. The gates of Hell are closed. The cursed devil was captured. This month there is a night that is better than thousand nights. The person who is deprived of the welfare of the person is deprived of all welfare. Narrated by Nasai
Our duty: to try to evaluate the grace of Allah, attempts to understand the merits and significance of this month, and engage in all good works including worship and worship.
The virtues of this month are:
One. There is an important rukan of Islam this month; And then fasting fast.
Because of the relation of Hajj to Zilhaj, it increased the status of the month, and the status of this month increased due to the fasting of Ram in the month of Ramadan. Allah Almighty says: -
O momin! Fasting has been prescribed for you, as it has been prescribed for those before you that you may become godfearing. [Surah Al-Baqarah: 183]
In Ramadan, the holy al-Qur'ân was revealed at the time of the seventh heaven, from the Mahfuz to the world sky. From there, a little later in the month of Ramadan the Prophet began to be revealed to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The two levels of the Qur'ān are blessed with the month of Ramadan. Not only the Qur'an but it is mentioned in a Sahih Hadith narrated by Taborani as it has been revealed this month, all the divine texts, including Ibn Abbas' Saifah, Taorat, Zabur, Injil. (Sahi al-Jamey)
This month, the guidance and the light of the people, as it has been revealed, the same as the mercy of Allah, Riyan. Therefore, in order to thank these two favors, the Qur'an should be recited more and more. Every year in the month of Ramadan, Gabriel used to call the Prophet (peace be upon him) a full Qur'an and the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to call him a full Quran. And in the last Ramadan, the Messenger of Allah recited the full Qur'an twice. It is proved by the hadith of Sahi Muslim.
Three In Ramadan, the gates of Paradise are opened and the doors of Hell are closed. The devil is disciplined. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
Eight In Ramadan, the reward of good deeds is increased in many ways. As has been done in the hadith that a Hajj reward is available in the month of Ramadan. Not only that, in the month of Ramadan, Umrah has the honor of hajj with the Messenger of Allah. In the same way, all good deeds, including all prayers, are given a few times more.
Not. Ramadan is the month of patience and patience. In this month, the believers who practice so much patience and patience in eating, drinking, marriage and all other rituals do not do any other month or any other phase. Likewise, fasting is proven that patience is not found in any other worship. Allah Almighty says: -