Look folks, Donald Trump is not a Racist.
The liberal media is getting it wrong. They are like WTF, why is this guy denying it, why can't anyone see this, is everybody's Racist-dar broken? If, there is such a thing.
I think Donald Trump is a Deeply Closeted Racist.
There's a difference, hear me out. Donald Trump is not one of them fancy Modern Racist that walks around holding brand name torches. That just too modern. Too Openly Racist. And too new school dumb.
Plus right now, it's bad timing to be an Openly Racist. These things takes time. In a few years, it will become mainstream. Just HODL! for now.
Look. Usually, Deeply Closeted anything will do things just for appearance. Keeping up with the Joneses you see. Donald Trump is not gonna just come out and admits to being a racist. Expecting that is ignorance and not understanding what old school racist do. And he is no Modern Racist. He's no fool. He's the leader of the free world. Smart and old school. He's gonna keep it in the closet. Deeply... Deeply... in the closet.
The definition of a Deeply Closeted Racist person means that he or she or the gender-neutral, they, shall not and will not admit that he or she or they, is a Racist.
So. Donald Trump is not a Racist.
Live and learn.