I'm baccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

in random •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello folks, so it seems like things can not get any better for me can they. So a few weeks ago I was writing about how I was sick, well let me introduce to you le second sickness. That's right, a second cold has hit me. Either it's the same one as before, or it's a different one. This being said I'm still sick. What else is new and exciting. Did I ever tell you about my cat? no, well let's all have a seat. Grab some popcorn, or any snack and let's get started. So I have a cat who's name is Hagen. No not like the ice cream Hagen Daz just Hagen. The story behind Hagen is there used to be a commercial back in the 90's about Hagen, which was a pet brand. Anyways during the commercial, they would go like '' you love your pet your pet loves you give him all the best......'', and other words which I cannot remember. Has anyone heard of this commercial?. It was a cartoon commercial. Yes Hagen is still a pet brand, however this one was specific to why my cat is named Hagen. I also have 2 rats named Melody, and Harmony. I'm not a music producer, or even someone who plays instruments, however these names are fitting. One is black with white, and the other is a creamy color, both are female rats too. I also have a beta fish, and a snail who chills in the tank, and cleans it so I don't have to. Just joking about the part of so I don't have to clean it, seriously though since I've got the snail I literally don't need to clean the tank anymore, the snail does pretty much the work for me, it's nice. I love my animals, how many animals do you have?. I am a HUGE dog lover, but have never owned any dogs of my own due to parents allergies. 26 years old, almost 27 and never owned a single pooch. This being said I was always around them for dog walking, dog sitting what have you, so I could be around them like they were my own. What is your favorite animal?. A few weeks ago I also broke my ankle, and have had an air cast on it for about 4 weeks or so now. It's getting pretty annoying I'll be honest with you. Sorry if my thoughts are everywhere right now, it's what happens when you're sick and tired at the same time. Well thanks for reading my blog post, feel free to comment. Thanks, and God Bless.



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Hagen is lovely! If you like animals perhaps you may enjoy my blog? He gets my vote :)

Thank you very much, yeah I'll go look at your blog.

Your cat is so cute!!!