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You a new daddy??? 😄

Lol hell no.

Interesting question. A second question that goes right along with it is, what is actually being done about climate change? Is there anything that you know of?

It's like those snippets I had for a long time on my spigot posts - seemingly viable solutions that would work in a positive manner, removing carbon from the atmosphere.

We never hear reports on how they are working feverishly, setting these proven solutions for pulling carbon from the atmosphere up everywhere. Never.

I'd really like to know why they aren't doing anything positive at all to address climate change, and all they do do, is talk about it and that's it!

They are too busy squabbling instead of doing, I imagine some of those projects do get used but just not by enough people that it matters. If anything were to be set in motion we should see there being a meat shortage in no time flat. As with most things just do what you believe is best and share that if others feel the same then they will change their ways also. I have resorted to just assuming people are idiots it does help to not really worry and allows me to use my free time to complain about them being idiots :)

Aaaaaaw! I'm just going to say congratulations, although I have no idea if I should congratulate or not, is this something happening to you or are you just pissed of with people. :) Congratulations on destroying the earth perhaps?

Haha, yeah we may congratulate the breeders for bringing children into a dying corrupt world :)
