If you are looking for a list of Tiefling names to choose a name for your Dungeon & Dragons Games, books, Story, or any other related things to Tiefling. Here we provide you a list of 500 plus unique Tiefling names, which we select only for you to save your time. As I say, it's all unique so you don't find a single name of them that are the same as others. So stay with us at the end to have the best name for your D&D character.
Who is Tiefling?
When we talk about Tieflings, they have massive horns which can be in various shapes such as tall, curly, or straight, and also spiral like an antelope. They also have hair with dark color like a human, which cascades from behind the horns. Their hair can be of any color like black, dark red, blue, and brown. We can't find the pupils in their eyes and comprise solid colors like gold, white, black, silver, or red.
Generally, the skin of Tiefling looks like human skin, but red tones are seen on the skin of a tiefling which is not seen on the skin of a human. If we discuss their habitat, they live in the harshest quarters from where they learn all the activities like crimelords and thieves. Society rejected them from the beginning, so they know that they can be strong to survive. Society rejected them from the beginning, so they know that they can be strong to survive. And that's the reason why they don't trust quickly on people and become self-sufficient as individuals.
Now I can assume that you know all the things about Tiefling. So let's start the list of the Random D&D Tiefling names in two categories Gender and virtue. Check out the list below.
Male Tiefling Names
First, let's see the list of the male tiefling names. If your character's gender is male, this list helps you decide names for your character.
- Valnirith
- Rovari
- Naspira
- Marhiri
- Seirikaria
- Nemaia
- Ariza
- Saborys
- Seiricyra
- Belpione
- Natrissa
- Brirali
- Nithdani
- Valnarei
- Nithdan
- Natwure
- Qumeia
- Arilia
- Hissolis
- Qufirith
- Crefirith
- Shamine
- Zaiuphis
- Riloth
- Orilaia
- Marvari
- Peslista
- Zaborys
- Mislista
- Dorphi
- Rihiri
- Nemeia
- Zapunith
- Initish
- Belseis
- Yudoris
- Miscria
- Sarspira
- Hisnirith
- Dimrali
- Cregoria
- Crexori
- Credoris
- Nethuphis
- Marrali
- Rolia
- Lilxibis
- Pessolis
- Zaimaia
- Rovine
- Sarlith
- Zepione
- Sarfaris
- Levsolis
- Griseis
- Affaris
- Quuphis
- Kaltari
- Inkaria
- Bellyvia
- Saza
- Ariadoris
- Natza
- Nithxori
- Nithza
- Diyis
- Mithcyra
- Briyis
- Yutish
- Marlypsis
- Natdoris
- Marrissa
- Zarissa
- Agnepione
- Phexori
Female Tiefling names
Now lets see the list of the Female names, which is helpful for the people who selected their character in a D&D game as a Female.
- Hormong
- Gurias
- Nephakos
- Arkcis
- Zherus
- Thevir
- Kyadius
- Zernon
- Ralxire
- Aetros
- Rolzer
- Thexire
- Mavilius
- Andadius
- Karemon
- Arlius
- Malmeros
- Uremon
- Barvir
- Skarias
- Ozthus
- Barrakas
- Zornon
- Mavthor
- Aranrakir
- Guexire
- Shaakos
- Valreus
- Aetrias
- Akmir
- Arxikas
- Shailius
- Malreus
- Thyxus
- Malevius
- Lokeil
- Ralron
- Malreus
- Zerthus
- Ammir
- Zherthus
- Kymus
- Valthos
- Thyil
- Nephmong
- Thyris
- Salichar
- Malchar
- Casreus
- Koslius
- Ozxus
- Zhermus
- Arkrut
- Casira
- Akdos
- Amrus
- Xaril
- Garxire
- Nephros
- Barakos
- Karmir
- Nephlyre
- Ralnon
- Zermenos
- Erris
- Aetzer
- Malira
- Karris
- Andthor
- Urius
- Karus
- Ekrakas
- Dharichar
- Kalyre
- Thynelyre
- Memir
- Dharrius
- Ozzire
- Thyvir
- Theakos
- Garrius
- Zaril
- Errakir
- Salrakas
- Amxius
- Erzer
- Arancius
- Zermeros
- Mormus
- Morakas
I hope you can find the perfect name for your D&D character from the List of Random D&D Tiefling names. If you don't find any names from the list given above, you can try our Tiefling Name Generator tool to generate more unique names for your character. If you like this list, share it with your friends and family. Thank you.