Random thoughts for another day...

in random •  8 years ago 

So, I'm back, again. Gotta form the habit somehow. So, in that regard, I've heard it takes 15 times doing something to make it a habit and something like 10,000 hours to become good at it. Really? I wonder how they got thpse numbers. Does anyone know what studies studied that? How would you even study that, let alone quantify it? I get that you can quantify the accuracy of gun shots (for example) but what anout art/entertainment?

Sorry, just random headspace ramblimings >.> So, let me think what I want to review of my crypto-waddings. Nice, a new word or did someone beat me to the punch? Really in a weird headspace right now. I know,so since I eventually plan on getting into trading cryptocurrencies, I went ahead and bought several books on trading (book list is listed below). From what I've seen, cryptocurrency trading is a perfect case study for technical analyis. It also appears to be one giant, emerging forex market. Gotta love it. Oh and people, I am not a professional trader nor am i financial sdvisor, so please don't take anything I say as actual advice. I'm am sometimes just spit balling well anyway here is to future happy days :) Can't wait to start trading...eventually ;)

Anyways, everyone, boys and girls, guys and gals. Untill next time. Check y'all on the flip side. Cheers, and thanks :)

Beginner's Guide To Day Trading Online
Day Trading For Dummies
Technical Analyis For Dummies

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Great post dude. Check out what I wrote about the most dangerous thing in crypto - https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@cryptocoinclub/blockfolio-addiction-help-group

Thanks man. Definitely a great post by yoyrself.