Flaming Steemit, for not getting rich.

in rant •  9 years ago  (edited)

I've noticed a good amount of people, that are complaining about "wales", and how they ruin everything already.

  • But almost always from people, that throw out one hastened post, after another, in what seems as a desperat attempt to earn a quick buck, without actually producing anything of value to other people.

Sure, one of my own incentives to actually write stuff, is that I might (with emphasis on "might") earn a little extra, being broke as I am. But at the same time, I don't want a reputation, of producing bullshit, just to earn some fast money. At least not, while I put my own face out there. >.<

Steemit seems like a great oppotunity, for people that like me, whom have almost nothing to speak of in their portfolio. And I've read a good amount of post, about people that had even less than me, earn a good amount of money on here, where they went from a couple of dollars to live for a day to live for. To not having to worry about money at all.
^ That in itself, is something I find really amazing. I always celebrate people, that take their life into own hands, and do something to change what they don't like about it. Instead of waiting for some savior, whom in 99 percent of the cases, will never come.

  • Been there myself. I used to dream about being rescued from my missery, until I realized, that I'm the only one with a responsibility towards myself.

Well, anyway. These people, that throw out one post after another, in the hopes of making in big. They don't understand that they can't just demand other peoples time and attention. And when no one cares about their low quality posts, they seem like they feel betrayed. As if there comes a promise with Steemit, that you'll definitely earn money, on everything you post.

  • It's quite sad for me to see, since I value quality a lot more than quantity. And while I'm still a rookie, at sharing my thoughts, while actually making them understandable to anyone but myself. I do try to improve myself almost every day. And I do realize that I'm by far, not the best writer out there. On the contrary, I'm incoherent, my grammar sucks, and I get distracted a bit too much. So I usually end up skipping back and forth, writing about one thing, then another, and back to the first one again. Which can be quite a mess for other people to read. >.<

Anyway, I just wanted to make a short rant about it. Not judging those people at all, It's just interesting to see, how people react to not getting fame and fortune, without working for it.

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You may be poor in grammar.. But the content you posted is very valuable. It is true.. most of the people.. including me...thinks to post more and more stuff to earn good money.. but i feel it is better to select some good content and post it..

Yeah, my grammar really suck, I know. And I'll probably never wrap my head around it either.

  • But considering, that I couldn't spell at all, let alone formulate an understandable sentence when I left public school. I suppose I ain't doing all that bad. :D

But I am glad that you like it. ^_^

This kind of flaming here will not end very soon. mabye in a year or two.

True enough. Might never end at all.

  • Just find it interesting, since I like psychology. ^_^