RE: To those who keep saying "proof-of-brain"...

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To those who keep saying "proof-of-brain"...

in rant •  5 years ago 

I'm on the goddamn trending page.

Show me the time I licked balls for that slot.

I fucking dare you.

You got over 18000 comments to dig through. You got 809 posts. Three fucking years of working my ass off. Hundreds if not thousands of images, all produced by me. Thousands of hours of work. Hundreds of thousands of words published. Out of all that. Show me the time I kissed anyone's ass for anything around here!

If you think all it takes is three years worth of festering SHIT and buttkissery to get anywhere around here, then take a damn good long look at what I've done, and call it SHIT and ass kissing to my goddamn face.

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If anyone deserves trending, its you with your totally normal posts, not whacky or probably made on drugs. probably.

And on tomorrow's episode: @NoNamesLeftToUse scoops his brain out with a spoon!

Good job dude :D
Im proud of you :)

Posted using Partiko Android

And I like monkeys!

Hats off to you, Sir!

Have you seen the Trending page on Steemit today? If this is proof of brain, then this is some kind of bizarre, highly corrupt, reptilian brain.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Its A Girl.jpeg

Would you believe a normal brain made that?

Never! :D ape.gif


Good. Some people like this stuff I do.

Sure, it pisses me off a touch when someone comes along just to throw me under the bus like that. I'll survive! There's no need to insult the integrity of those who support my work. Some of these folks have had my back for years. They did nothing wrong.

No one's throwing you under any bus. I'm sure you don't remember, but I was one of the earliest people to discover and curate your content, and respect your work here.

I obviously made a general rant, and for every rule there's the exception. There may be one or two good posts on Trending, but I'm sure you'll see where I'm coming from when I rant about how most of it is shit.

I remember.

I'd like to see more entertainment and variety on the trending page. Things that would appeal to more people, including outsiders looking in. There were big changes recently. It's still fresh. We'll see Steem only content like this for awhile, then the honeymoon will be over and we can get down to brass tacks. You can only have one "this bidbot now votes" post and we all know that doesn't make sense to an outsider, but apparently, that made people excited and the post became popular. Soon that'll be gone. Soon all the posts about the changes won't exist and that stuff will be replaced with whatever else.

Too soon, @liberosist. I put up with a lot of shit here over the past two years. Shit posts with paid votes gaining fake trending status meant none of us actual content producers could get anywhere here. I waited over two years to see some kind of change. Anything was better than nothing. I don't mind waiting a few more weeks and allowing things to settle down before assessing the situation. For now, a lot of people are working towards something many in the community wanted for a long time. This effort so far has led to a lot of positive change for many people and the momentum is growing. Nobody was expecting perfection straight out of the gates.

Yes, you made a general rant I just so happened to be in the crossfire. Someone who doesn't know any better sees your post, then sees me on the trending page and guess what? Suddenly I'm the bad guy, yet I did nothing wrong.

I have left a clarification and an apology. I hope it's clear now that I don't see any content creator as bad guys.

It was just a bad rant. I thought "licking whale balls" is a funny visual, and I went with it.

No need to apologize. I stand up for myself. It's a bad habit I just can't seem to shake. I've written plenty of rants as well. Nobody's perfect. Whatever. Try to have a good day.

I don't think he's talking about your post on trending tho.

Nope. It's Nothing.

Actually nothing is on trending, don’t worry!

Yes. Because I made Nothing.

If you didn't lick balls, you either: had rich friends or paid for the spot, or got very lucky.

No. I started with nothing. I didn't know anyone. Then I worked my ass off.

I didn't pay for the spot. I don't buy votes. You can read SEVERAL posts of mine indicating plenty of reasons why I don't buy votes.

If I'm lucky, wtf am I doing here? Shouldn't I be out playing the lottery?

Can you not give ONE content producer credit? This is what pisses me off the most about this place. Assholes come along and always downplay the efforts of those who made something of this place. It's always something else. If you want to ignore ALL of that work I put into this blog and ignore all of the engagement, fine. Be ignorant. "Rich friends." You can simply SCROLL down and see quite a few posts with very low rewards. Why not try something like that before being a dickhead? Hmm? Why not look before putting your foot in your mouth.

You're insulting the integrity of all those who decided to genuinely support my work.

If I'm lucky, wtf am I doing here?

Good question

Would you prefer I wasn't here?

I don't care either way

You do, though.

he does, he's just licked to many balls and forgot how to say what he really thinks, it's due to months of not years of ball licking anti-gag reflex training

i think you definitely should, or shouldn't, yeah fcukit... i admit i care either way

hey! ball licking is an art form too.....literally of course