Thinkers and Followers.

in rant •  8 years ago  (edited)

Thinking Man

Gun control is just a useless topic.

It is about educating people, giving them the ability to make their own homes and neighborhoods safe, teachers to not to have to fear being shot but drug dealers, The Politicians are 100% responsible for the divisions in this country and the world. They are all out for their own power no matter what party.

They all perpetuate the same goals and reasons. Look over the last 40 years and you see more and more controls, more and more instability, education become indoctrinations, colleges charging more and more for less and less. We are all cattle being ran from the fields into the yards, the fences are pushing us to the same narrow goals that our masters wish for us. Once we are on the trucks there is no escape.

If you don't like it, then do something about it. First get educated, then it become easier after that. Don't believe everything you hear or read, research it, learn about it, understand it. Knowledge is power, there is a reason critical thinking in school was replaced by multiple choice and standardized test prep. Understand why, learn, think, lead.

Half hate Trump and the other half hates Hillary. Do you really know why you hate one or the other? Have you actually taken the time to learn the history about each? About any Candidate?

It amazing me that anyone can support either. Hillary should not be the first woman president. Trump is just as awful. Neither are real choices, they are what was given to us. They are doing what they are meant to be. Divide us, keep us focused on something else and ignoring what is going on behind the curtains.

WW3 has went from a conflict to a cold war and is now gearing up to become a hot war in less that 10 years, cold to hot in under 3 years.

Learn about who controls most of the oil in the arabian countries now. It is not the arabians anymore. Why is there millions of pissed off arabians needing assialiam? Why will the other arabian countries not accept them?

Why is the US and the EU at war with Russia and China? Why is the EU breaking up? Why are some NATO members not following orders and now threatening to leave NATO?

What is going on with the central banks around the world? Why are they buying lots and lot of Gold? Why hasn't bitcoin died? What do Russia, Hungary and IceLand all have in common?

Did you know there is a creditable study out, that states that the 3 towers of 9/11 actually were controlled demolition implosions? How did Osama Bin Laden get into those building and set the charges that blew the bases of those building and plant all the thermite that triggered the building collapses? You were aware he was in hiding and needing to have dialysis because his kidneys had failed him? How did passenger liners get into the controlled airspace over NEW YORK and Washington DC when single engine cessnas get escorted by fighters to the nearest airports and detained? Did you remember before 9/11 that the state department lost 2 Trillion dollars and was to be investigated? Did you know that the investigation was in the 3rd tower that collapsed, and the area of the pentagon that was burnt out. How about recently the lose of what was it another 3-4 Trillion. Not sure, please look that up.

Why are our kids over seas for years at a time, why are families buying body armour, and other things to support our troops instead of the government? 1/2 Trillion dollars a year and we can not afford to give our young men and women the proper gear they need?

Why are our teachers having to pay out of their own pockets for the class supplies for our children? Why are so many of them having to take second jobs to survive? Why are the bad apples that don't teach given tenure and those that work hardest fired?

Why is there little coverage of the oil pipelines being constructed over sovereign tribal lands against the tribe wishes? How about the 3 recent pipeline breaks that that are polluting rivers and water supplies? How about the sinkhole in florida at the bottom of the containment pond that dumped millions of gallons of radioactive water into the ground with the potential of polluting the groundwater? Did you catch that recently the Japanese government stated that the reactors were still leaking radioactive water into the ocean? How about the massive fish and wildlife die offs in the same parts of the ocean between japan and california?

Do you remember the movie Erin Brockovich, the lady that proved a local plant was contaminating the local water supply from leaky holding ponds with the bad form of chromium? Did you happen to hear that there is reports of high levels of this poison in groundwater now days? How about the towns and cities that have black, red, green drinking water, did you hear that their state just made it illegal for them to sue for resolution?

All this will be contributed to conspiracy theories, or hate mongering, but think of this, the new and reporters used to investigate and research, now they do not report and when they do report they report to cover it up.

Ask yourself, when was the last time I actually googled, binged, etc something instead of just thinking conspiracy theory? Do you actually know it isn't factual? Did you take the time to go and even snope it at the least.

Do you know what our government is doing around the world? What new treaties are being signed and ratified for us via the UN?

How about closer to home. Do you care where you food comes from? Did you know that the new labeling denies you the knowledge of where your food comes from or if it is GMO? They have to label is most of of the world, but not in the USA. Why?

Did you hear about the mercury levels in our vaccines? How about the most recent study that shows levels of roundup in our food? Did you know that wheat farmers use poison to kill the wheat and corn plants before they harvest. It causes the plants to dry out, increases the harvest and makes it easier for the machines to harvest the grains. But the problem is, these chemicals end up in our flower. People are having reactions to these chemicals. If you have skin problems, or are feeling lethargic and you like to eat your bread. Maybe a quick google may enlighten you.

I left the states 3 years ago. My health was going, I moved to a 3rd world coutnry and in that time, my health turned around, I lost weight I felt better, I still had issues, but my core health improved. I ate unrefrigerated eggs, more fruits, and foods that weren't farmed with pesticides, meat that tasted very different because it was raised in fields on grass. There was many other problems to be sure, but the food was overall better and my mind started to improve.

When I was a kid I could right code for hours, I had interest in books and learning. But as I got older I started to lose interest, become more sullen and tired. I attributed it to getting older.
The funny thing is when I left the states, quit watching the news and tv shows, and my diet was forced to change. I changed. My energy improved, my ability to think improved. No, not all of me improved, still a bit crazy. But I like reading, researching, writing, coding, I have the energy again, learning Spanish. Changing climates maybe helped, cultures, foods, and eventually the stress levels dropped.

But why when I lived in the best nation in the world, why did I become a slug and when I moved to a so called 3rd world country did I become more like my old self.

Everyone has a brain, use it, argue for or against something. Just know what you are talking about. Be convicted in your knowledge. Learn from more than a single source, know your subject matter. Make me have to research more to overcome your conclusions or change mine. You are of value to me only if you make me think. That is what intelligent discourse is. Not name calling because you are caught without the ability to respond. If you are name calling then think about why, normally it is because you don't have an answer or it upset your emotions. Emotions are good, but also really good at making you look a fool. Use your God given brain, read, learn, argue, be open to change your view as well. None of us are right 100% of the time, we all make mistakes. Do not be afraid to change your mind, do not be afraid to try to change another's. But do it from thought not emotion. Emotion closes doors, valid thought out arguments forces people to evaluate. They may not agree with you, but over time they will think about it. You don't have to agree, it is fine to have your own opinion, you are an individual free thinker. Just remember that respect gets respect and everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter how wrong you think it is.

Anywise, I will end my rant here. Good luck, educate yourselves. Become thinkers and leaders, not just followers.

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