The most awaited film '83' starring Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh has finally been released in theatres on Friday, December 24 after a long wait. The film depicts the story of the Indian cricket team winning the World Cup in 1983. The film is getting an overwhelming response. Meanwhile, now big news has come out about it.
Movies available in HD quality
Actually, according to recent reports, the film has become a victim of piracy as soon as it is released. This movie has been made available in HD quality on many websites like Telegram and Tamil Rockers. People are also able to watch and download it online for free. read more
83 Movie Trailer:
The box office may have an impact
Being a victim of piracy within a few hours of the release of the film can be a matter of great concern for the makers. While the audience who came to watch '83' in the theatre has appreciated it a lot, on the other hand, due to the leak, its box office collection can be seen a lot. Even before the fear of viruses and Omicron, most people are scared to turn to the big screen.
Many movies became victims of piracy
Well, this is not the first time that a film has been leaked online as soon as it is released. Prior to this, Akshay Kumar's 'Sooryavanshi', Salman Khan's 'Antim', Ahan Shetty's 'Tadap' and Ayushmann Khurrana's recently released film 'Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui' have also become victims of piracy recently. read more