The Time Of Departure

in rap-the-news •  5 years ago  (edited)

Today was The Spring Sabbath in Australia

1st Day of Spring being an automatic Sabbath by Yahuahs Real Timetable

The Most High Yahuah's people are on high alert as the signs of the end times are drawing to a close. I remember writing a note during my bout of automatic writing in approximately 2006-7 about the 9th September is when The Book Of Shadows will be closed.

Within 2 Weeks there will be 4 Sabbaths

One yesterday, one today for us in the southern hemisphere, one at the end of this week, and one very significant one less than 2 weeks from now.

On Black Friday the 13th September 2019 it will be 88,888 days since the Bavarian Illuminati were formed back in 1 May 1776. This number 88 is significant in the movie 'Back To The Future' and you can find analysis' of this movie on Logic Before Authority YouTube channel. This number 88 has been showing up a lot for me lately. It must be a sign! Refer to this blog called '88' here on ami-dossier.


On the 14th September 2019.

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