seriously do some sci-fi rappers there 1900's shit is boring fucking hell we already got anti-gravity faster then light spaceships u guys are boring as fuck..... or rap about magic abilites or something yeesh u can turnoff a entire cities power just with ur fucking mind.... lol
like seriously why are almost all the popular videos about the same boring ego shit fancy super expensive cars the pollute our air or mostly drugs some of which like cocaine are made with bleach and gasoline so no wonder its bad for u lol
anyways just please be more fucking interesting im sick of hearing these borring as fucking redudant topics ... and visuals wheres the magic raps? about fucking unicorns dragons faries and fucking interdimesnional portal surfboard riding n sthi u know!? i know they exist step up ur vibrational rap game earthlings!
and yea the moon is cool but going to the moon is easier then jerking ur dick are u serious lmao good grief we already have ships that are outside our entire local star system cluster from what im getting theres a couple groups already outside our entire fucking galaxy how easy et's gave us some our tech and we stole some to they steal some of our shit its a amasing mutliverse out there!
dont get me wrong i love some of your popular rap just the majority of the popular stuff is fucking boring aliens have some amasing rap songs and other multiverse versions of ourselves